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Hey everyone! So I know it seems a little like it's going to be the end of the book but it's not... so hang in there :)

Luv you all <3


"What about it?" Lorenzo whispers back to Lea. She shrugs softly back.
"I just don't understand these gifts."
"Well she said we'd understand when the time came." He says slowly to her. She nods curtly, pursing her lips.

"She always says shit like that. Sometimes it doesn't make sense." Lea responds gently. "She's also sick."
"What are you trying to say Lea? That she's delusional and doesn't know what she's talking about?" Enzo snaps at her.

"That's not what I'm saying..." She responds softly, unsure. He frowns.
"She not delusional. I know she can be. But she's not delusional like this. She knows what she's talking about. She always does. She might hallucinate and stuff but she doesn't say random shit."

"It always ends up making sense." He finishes, looking up at her. She frowns.
"Believe what you want Lorenzo." Lea whispers under her breath. "It's just useless gadgets that are meant to make up for her pain. For our pain."

"Lea. I need you to stop speaking. Now. Right now. Stop. It." Lorenzo says. "I can't stand you talking bad about her. Especially when we could be dying. We could never make it back home."

"And you would be talking bad." Lea exhales deeply and rolls her eyes.
"Whatever Lorenzo. Let's just finish this shall we?" She snaps at him. Enzo pauses and turns to her quickly.

"Lea." He says cautiously. "Mother told me something. That I have to be there for you. Be a big brother. Because... because your scared." He whispers. She looks up at him slowly. It's quiet for a moment except for the footsteps from the rest of the group around them.

Lea takes a quick sniffle. It's not meant to be heard but Enzo hears it and places his hands on her shoulders, steadying her. "Lea, I love you. Your not alone. You have friends. Family. Don't be scared. Don't be frightened."

"I am scared Enzo. I am frightened."
"Let me help you. Let me show you."
"How Enzo? This is it. This is the end."
"You don't know that. You can't. For all you know this is the beginning." He says softly. "The beginning of it all."

"The beginning?" Lea questions softly.
"Yes. Only the beginning." He says.
Lea thinks about it for a moment before smiling. She has a new energy about her. A new hope. Because of her brothers help. His wisdom. Beginnings.

What a wondrous thing.


The lake was darker. So was the sky. Gloomier. Less happy. That was the only way she knew to describe it. Just less. There were certain things that stood out to her. The leaves of the willow, they were droopier. The rush of the water was slower. But not calm.

The birds didn't sing their usual tune. It was mournful. Like they knew something was coming. Something big.
Sophia knew it too. She sat on the river bank, under the willow tree. She was breathing heavy. She was worried.

Very worried. It had been almost two days since the children had left. It had felt like two years. She didn't know what to do with herself. She just sat around. Wanting so desperately to fight, to join them in battle. To protect her children with everything she had.

But they weren't children anymore. Just like she wasn't. She couldn't hold on to that anymore either. She couldn't hold on to that hope that things could be different than how they were.

History always repeats itself.

Sophia takes a deep breath. She stands up slowly and looks around. She saw them once here. They were sitting under this very tree. Together. She hadn't seen them again after that. It was like they were saying goodbye.

Chemicals: Heirs जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें