f o u r t e e n

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A/N: so I cried listening to that song yesterday and I'm not even sure why but you can listen to it as you read if you want. It will be matching the storyline.

Luv you all <3

On the south sea coast, Katerina stood looking out at the sea, thinking. She was heartbroken. Faye was nowhere to be found but Katerina still had hope. It was all she could have. So she closed her eyes softly and thought back. To everything that ever happened. To everything she was missing. What was lost not found.

Kat sat on the steps leading to the bed chambers. Faye walked up to her quickly and stuck her hand out to Kat. Kat frowned at her.
"I'm Faye. I'm Lorenzo's friend." Faye said.
"Katerina. But you can call me Kat." She said.
"I like you already. I can tell we're going to be quite close." Faye said to her. Kat smiled.


"Kat!" Faye called out. Katerina spun around quickly and a smile grew on her face. She waved to the girl quickly and ran towards her.
"Faye, hi." She whispered, out of breath.
"Hi." Faye whispered back. They both smiled at each other. "I came to see Lorenzo but he's busy. Do you want to hang out for a bit?"
"Sure." Kat replied softly. Faye smiled.


"I really like you." Kat said softly out of nowhere. Faye looked up at her, confused. "Not just as a friend Faye. I like you, like you."
Faye was silent for a few moment before grinning at the other girl. Kat took a breath.
"How did you know I liked girls?" Faye asked her. "Or maybe you didn't and you decided to shoot your shot anyway?" She proved her.
"I didn't. I just hoped." Katerina whispered.
"Well I do. And I like you too Kat."


"Momma. I l- like a girl." Kat said slowly.
"Me too." Kala said to her casually. Kat frowned and looked back up at her.
"Pardon?" Kat asked softly. Kala smiled.
"I like girls too." Kala said, rolling her eyes.
"B-but your with dad... you love him."
"Of course I do. But you don't love one person your entire life Katerina." She told her.


Away from the sea, was Lorenzo, Raj, Lea, and Donatello. Raj was talking softly with Xander. Lea and Donatello were sneaking looks at each other every few minutes. Lorenzo would just stare down at his feet silently. He didn't know what else to do. The girl he loved, didn't love him back. At least, that's what she said. Raj grabbed Xander's hand, looking away. Xander looked over at him and smiled. Raj did too.

Lea took a deep breath and began cursing softly at herself. She turned quickly in Donnie's direction. He widened his eyes in surprise. She quickly walked over to him and looked into his eyes. He looked down at her, still surprised.
"Now or never." Lea said softly to him before reaching up and kissing him softly. He grinned.

"Now." He said softly and kissed her again. Raj shook his head at them and turned away. Lorenzo stiffened slightly but took a deep breath and let them be. He was worried about Faye and Katerina. He hoped they were okay.

Both Raj and Donnie were missing Elio. More than they could put into words. Even though Lea and Lorenzo weren't close with him, they missed him too. They were also worried about what was happening back home. We're they missed? We're their parents safe? Healthy?


Back home, Sophia and Zach were sitting on a balcony holding hands. Lee and Kala were comforting their daughter, Delilah. Nate and Leila were sitting in silence, waiting for their daughter to arrive for dinner. She wouldn't be joining them. Not tonight. Not ever again. She had it in her head that she was meant to be the best. So she would try to carry her plan out.

Delilah missed her sister. More than anything. She just wanted her sister to come home safe. She wanted Kat to laugh and make fun of her. As long as she was there. Sophia smiled silently as she thought of her children back home. She looked over at Zach who smiled grimly. She then turned back out to look at the sunset.

"Just come home." She whispered out to it. It was if it had heard her and spread her message out to them. Zach watched his wife silently. He loved her. He always had. And he would forever love her. But deep down he knew, there wasn't much time left to love her. Or anyone.


Zaya crept up the stairs softly. There was no guard waiting outside Sophia's room. It meant she wasn't in there. It was exactly what Zaya needed to complete her mission. She opened the door and slipped in, closing the door behind her as she did. She examined the room quickly. She had never been in there. There was no reason for her to ever enter there.

She looked up and examined the ceiling. It was painted with a family portrait. That will have to go. She thought to herself. She looked around once more to make absolute sure that she was the only one in there. Then she reached into her bed and took out a small box.

She quickly opened the box and peered in. She shuddered softly and closed it back up. She walked over to the big bed next to the window. She could see the sun setting outside. It was almost dark so she had to do this quick. She was meant to meet her parents for dinner but she hadn't thought it necessary. She'd do what had to be done. She placed the box carefully.

She covered it with sheets and unlatched the latch on it. She smiled and quickly left the room. She found herself outside, near the armory. She looked around in the darkness.
"Your here." A voice said softly. She turned to it and a smile grew on her face. She walked over to the shadowy body and placed a kiss on the lips of the unseen person. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. Now it's time to claim what is ours." She said softly. The person slowly began to step out of the shadows. It was a man. He smiled, his perfectly white teeth glowing in the darkness. She smirked at him.
"I'm glad. Your majesty." He whispered to her.

The mans face was still partly covered in the shadows. She rolled her eyes softly at him.
"Come out and let me see you silly." She said. He chuckled darkly and stepped completely out of the shadows. She smiled at the figure. "Eli."

"Yes my love?"

Aha plot twist?

Sorry for the slight cliffhanger. I luv you all <3

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