e i g h t e e n

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A/n: literally all day I've been listening to "your the villain" playlists on Spotify (yea Ik I'm strange) so I apologize if this is very intense.

Luv you all <3


"Hey!" Lea called out. "Pick. On. Someone. Your. Own. Size! Asshole!" She yelled as she threw multiple punches at a man in front of her. He was much bigger than her but she was faster, making it easier to dodge his punches.

"You little bitch." He seethed towards her. Raj tensed up, shaking his head. He chuckled.
"That. Was a mistake." He said punching the man in the face. The man fell backwards, blood gushing from his nose. Raj shrugged at Lea.

"Sorry sis. No one calls you a bitch unless it's me." He said casually, a small smile playing on his lips. Lea rolled her eyes in annoyance. She turned around and shot a bullet into the man's head. She then took a sharp inhale and sighed.

"So. Who's next?" She asked, turning around. A few men stepped toward and she shrugged, all hell breaking loose.


Kat awoke to a gunshot. She immediately panicked, ducking to the ground. She let out a long exhale when she realized she wasn't being shot at. She brought her head up to see what was going on. She could see everything much more clearly now that it was light out. In the distance there was a large group of people.

They were fighting. Kat frowned and made her way back down the building. She tightened the strap on her backpack, knowing that she might have to run at any moment. She looked down at her hand briefly to see that blood had seeped through the fabric. She rolled her eyes and looked back up at the fight. She focused on it.

There was two people in the middle, helping each other. They were going back and forth, stabbing and punching. The girl threw her blade at one man, the blade going straight into his head, making him fall to the ground. Kat's eyes widened and she started to back away.

"Where do you think your going?" A man asked. Kat turned around quickly, holding out her blade. The man stood in front of the light, making his face unrecognizable to her. He stepped closer to her. "K-Kat?" He asked softly.

The man stepped closer to her, making her back away even farther. She shook her head.
"Stay away from me. I mean you no harm."
"Kat. It's me. Donatello." The man said softly. Kat frowned slightly and shook her head again.

"D-Donnie?" She asked softly, her voice breaking. She could see his face now. It was him and he was looking at her like she was broken. He nodded his head at her slowly.
"Kat. Are you okay?" He asked softly. "Come here." He said, opening his arms to her. She let out a small sob and ran into his arms. He hugged her tightly, frowning. "Talk to me."

"It's Faye. S-she's gone. A-and-" She started.
"Shhh. It's okay. Your going to be okay." He said, stroking her hair, comforting her. She shook her head at him violently, throwing a glance over at the fight that was happening.
"We have to go. They'll come for us next."

"Who? Lea and Raj?" He asked her softly. She frowned at him and turned back to the fight. She focused her eyes on the people. She let out a sigh of relief. It was them. Raj and Lea. They were fighting. They were together. Safe. She let out a small chuckle, shaking her head at them.

"Your all okay. Where's Enzo?" She asked him.
"Over there." He said, pointing his finger behind him to another group of people. She nodded, a small smile appearing on her face.
"And Elio? Is he here?" She asked hopefully. Donnie's face fell quickly and he shook his head slowly. "You don't mean..." Kat sighed.

"I'm so sorry Donnie." She whispered to him.
"It's not your fault Kat. And you have other things to worry about... l-like Faye." He said. She was silent but nodded slowly at him. "I'm glad your okay Kat. We were all worried about you. A-and we did look for you. I hope you-"

"It's okay Donnie. Even if your didn't look, it's still okay. You were trying to survive." He nodded and looked down, spotting her hand.
"Your hand! What happened?" He asked softly.
"I cut it." She said, pointing upward. "Climbing that." She said. He chuckled and looked up.

"You always were crafty. But your alright?"
"It hurts a bit. Probably infected. I could use some medical attention." She whispered.
"Well, come on then." He said with a smile. She looked over at him, smiling. And she nodded.


Sophia stood outside the door to dungeons and frowned. She just didn't understand. So she had to get answers. She had to get all of them.
"Why'd you do it?" She asked, walking to Eli's cell. He looked up at her and a small smile appeared on his lips. He shook his head at her.

"Your late." He said quietly. She rolled her eyes and exhaled deeply. "I knew you'd be coming."
"Did you?" She replied sarcastically. "I would just like to know why someone we considered our friend wouldn't want us on the throne."

"Because." Eli replied calmly. "It was time."
"What the hell does that mean." Sofi snapped.
"It means," Eli stood up. "You were never meant to be a queen in the first place Sophia." Sophia narrowed her eyes at him. He sighed.

"You know it's true. You were just a spoiled rich girl who was afraid and didn't know what she was doing. You were leading multiple guys on, you were making bad decisions. You were a kid Soph. And I'm sorry but, that's not right."

"Your not sorry." She whispered. He nodded.
"Your right. I'm not. You never should have deserved even a whisper of your name on our people's lips. You never understood what we went through. You think just because some rich kids got thrown out, well then it's time to change how things are. Don't ya think?"

"Your wrong about one thing." She whispered.
"And what's that?" He replied, rolling his eyes.
"They are not your people anymore. You belong to no one." She mocked, while walking out of the dungeon, smiling. It was clear now.

She was the Queen. And she was going to give them hell...Until they thought the same.


Zaya sat on the floor of her cell in silence. Screams echoed around her. Her eyes flickered back and forth between small noises. A small mouse ran by her and Zaya shuddered. She sniffed and tried to silence her whimpering.

She was going to stay down here. Until she was dead. And then she would never be free again.


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