s e v e n t e e n

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"Boohoo." Kat chuckled to herself. She was being sarcastic of course. She was actually struggling quite a bit. She hadn't completely come to terms with what had happened last week. And this week was even worse. She was wondering around aimlessly, covered in dirt and soot. She had no food, no weapons, and no supplies. She was practically dead already.

She had been being smart though. She was hiding under piles of rubble or garbage anytime she heard noises or noises. That, or she pretended to be dead. It worked pretty well considering she looked and smelled the part.

She took a deep breath as she examined her surroundings. She was in a city. Or at least, what used to be a city. It was dark out now and there was a cool chill in the air. She shivered slightly and let out a breath into the cold air. There was a faint cloud that looked like it could be smoke. Kat longed for that scent and taste.

The inhale. The exhale. She missed it. She hadn't back at the palace. She did it because everyone else was. But now, all she wanted was a cigarette. She wanted nothing more than to place her lips on the thin stick and take a puff.

She rolled her eyes at the thought. The broken buildings around her seemed to whisper with the wind, echoing around. Kat jumped at the smallest creaks. Then she would let out a sigh of relief when she realized it was just the wind.

You'd think she wouldn't be so jumpy, considering she had been in the wilderness by herself for a while now. But then again, she had to be on high alert at all times because of that. The wind whistled again. She almost swore that she heard someone in the distance. She cursed herself for the false hope she carried.

She had to find somewhere to sleep for the night, or at least, rest her eyes. She hadn't been able to sleep well. How could she? Especially since she was alone. When your alone you have to be aware at all times. It's the way to stay alive. She also had to find food. Anything. But something that was edible. She needed that.

She looked around once more before breaking into a sprint. The wind blew her hair back and Kat allowed herself to throw her arms back as if she was flying. The only entertainment. She remembered when everyone used to do this together. As children. They would run down the grassy hill by the river, laughing loudly.

She can't allow herself to laugh now. It doesn't feel the same. It's not the same. Because she's alone. And she's afraid. Slowing down, she reaches a ,mostly in tack, building. It seems the safest bet for the rest of the night. She walks along the side of it, careful not to step inside.

She doesn't know what she will find in there. She doesn't want to find out any time soon. A ledge located on the floor above glints in Kat's vision. She smiles slightly. The perfect place. It's hidden away yet still in perfect view. No one will be able to see her laying there, but she will be able to spot them quickly. She quickly vaults herself up the jagged part of the side.

The wall is broken as if it's a ladder, allowing her to easily scale the side of it. She cuts herself on a shard of glass and a curse escapes Kat's mouth. She slips slightly, but catches herself and looks around frantically, making sure nothing had heard her. Taking a deep breath, she continued up. She finally reached the ledge and pulled herself up into it. She sighed.

"Fuck." She whispered as she looked at her hand. It was bleeding and it was edged with a red around it. That was not good. It would be infected soon. It also had a piece of glass still inside it, pretty deep because of how she pulled herself up. She let out a shaky breath, holding in her tears. She wouldn't cry. Not now.

It wasn't worth it.

She ripped of a piece of fabric from her shirt quickly and fastened it around her wound. It stung and she hissed at the pain. Then she looked around once more, peering inside the building quickly. It was closed off from the ledge which was a good sign. She nodded and placed her bag at her side. Her bag was practically useless now, considering it had near to nothing inside of it. She shook her head.

Opening the bag, she emptied it out next to her. There was a small blanket for sitting, a pin, a few hair ties, and a small pocket knife. She had a weapon after all, but it wouldn't do much. She rolled her eyes at the supplies.

Grabbing a hair tie, she pulled her hair up into a loose bun. She tied it up, a few baby hairs still framing her face. She took the fabric from her hand quickly and took the pocket knife. She looked at the piece of glass the was stuck in her skin. She took a deep breath, holding it, and edged into her skin with the knife. She hissed.

She needed to get the glass out. The glass moved slightly and she gasped in pain. She once again, moved the knife so it would go under the glass and push it out. It was quite painful but she eventually managed to get it out from under her skin. When she was finished she took a few deep breaths of relief.

Then she cut off a piece of the clean blanket and tied that around her hand instead. Then she put the pin and the hair ties back into her bag and let out deep sigh. The air chilled her again and she grabbed the blanket and pulled it tightly around her. Shaking her head, she gripped the knife with her good hand and leaned against the siding of the building.

And for a moment, she allowed herself to relax and close her eyes, finally getting some sleep.


"Asshole. When are we getting there?" Raj spat at Lorenzo. Lorenzo rolled his eyes but calmly began to reply to Raj with a soft smile.
"I don't know Raj. I'm not a map." He huffed.
"Maybe you should be." Raj shot back quickly. Lea bit back her smile by shaking her head.

"You do realize you have the worst humor."
"I second that." Lea chimed in quickly, smiling.
"It wasn't meant to be funny." Raj snapped.
"Tell yourself what you want Raj. But we all know you think your absolutely hilarious." Raj rolled his eyes at him siblings, clearly upset.

"I think your funny." Xander chimed in softly.
"Shut up Xander. No one asked you. Your not even in our family." Lea snapped with a smile, letting him know she was just joking. Xander rolled his eyes sarcastically at them. Donnie sent him a glare quickly. "Gay. Remember?" Lea whispered to Donnie when she saw him.

Donnie nodded slowly but narrowed his eyes at Xander threateningly. Lea sighed and placed a hand on his arm comfortingly. Donnie smiled.
"Ew. Stop it." Raj sneered at them. Lea sighed.
"Jealous?" She said, poking Raj lightly. Raj rolled his eyes at her, shaking his head quickly.

"As if." He said confidently. Lea smiled at him.
"Can you all stop fooling around." Enzo finally snapped at them. They all widened their eyes in fake fear and looked at each other. Lea even went as far to quiver her bottom lip, pretending to be crying. Enzo rolled his eyes at them.

He mumbled something about being immature and children. Lea looked at Raj and tried her best to not burst out in a fit of laughter. Raj did the same. He was trying not to burst out and tell them what he knew of home. They didn't know that of course, because why would they?

Raj took a deep breath, thinking about it for a few moments. He finally came to a decision.
"I- I have something to tell you all." He said. They all looked at him quizzically. He began.


Hey everyoneeeee. It's been a minute. Hope you all enjoyed ;)

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Luv you all! 

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