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The group gathered in the hall. They were waiting for Sophia to show up. Little did they know, she wouldn't be coming to train them today. She had decided something the night before.

She realized that she wasn't changing. She couldn't stop being petty. Stubborn. It's how she was made. And no matter how hard she tried she couldn't change that. Medications. Love. Trust. It couldn't change her.

And it couldn't change her son. Her beloved son, whom she cared so much for. She had brought this upon him. He had inherited the pain along with her. And for that, she would forever be sorry for him. Sorry for his life. So she decided. It was time, to let him go.

To let them all go. To let them grow up. Experience everything for themselves, as they had pointed out. They would get to "live their lives" and no one would be there to hold them back.

Not even her.

So the kids continued to wait for her. She never showed up. Eventually they all left, slowly, one by one. The last ones, still hoping she'd show her face. But by the end, no one doubted or wondered why she hadn't shown. They knew very well why she hadn't.

To teach them. One last lesson. Before they were sent off by themselves. The most important lesson of all.

You betray someone. They betray you.


The next few days were a series of ignoring. It didn't matter from whom. It was both sides really. Parents vs kids. The only question now was who would be the one to give in. Who would be the first to apologize and say they were wrong? One thing was for sure, it wouldn't be Sophia. It just wouldn't.

Lorenzo stepped into the dining hall. Raj, Lea, Delilah, and Katerina were already sitting down silently. No one spoke. Sophia sat at the head of the table. Zach sat at the other end. Lee and Kala sat next to each other, Delilah besides them. She didn't know what was going on with everyone.

Leila and Nate sat together opposite from Lee and Kala. Raj sat next to Zach. Lea sat next to Sophia. No one spoke or even acknowledged any one else there. Lorenzo took his seat next to his mother. Sophia stiffened slightly.

It was Kala who scrunched up her face and let out a soft cry. Everyone turned towards her quickly. She huffed softly.
"I'm sorry my love. Katerina. Please." Katerina stared at her for a moment before making her face look the same and going to hug her mother quickly.

Lee rolled his eyes and mumbled something about women. Katerina lightly punched him on the arm. He chucked at her. Everyone else at the table watched them closely. Silently.

The three of them sensed the tension and quickly sat back down, glancing at each other slightly and smiling. No one else talked. After everyone finished eating they all stood up and walked away. It was strange. Like a cloak of silence and sorrow was bestowed upon them all so suddenly. So quickly.

So easily.


"Sir, your ready then?" An advisor asks Cameron slowly and softly. He nods.
"Yes. I am. Get everyone ready for battle. We're going to give them hell."
His advisor nods and quickly runs out of the room. Cameron turns back to the window and looks out at the army gathering in the courtyard.

They're assembling into organized groups. They all have a serious face. A strong build. Weapons. Gun. Bombs. Grenades. Planes. Rovers. Anything they could possibly need to win this war. Their technology was far more advanced then the Renegade Kingdom.

They would surely win this war. They would surely crush them all. There would be no survivors. No one left. No one left to tell the tale. The tale of the war. No one. Because not only would this war brung the end to the Renegades, but it would also bring the end of his Kingdom. Of his legacy.

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