n i n e t e e n

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"So she's gone?" Lea asked softly, wrapping her arm around Kat. Kat nodded slowly. "We've lost two people we loved already. Two." She took a deep breath and looked at her brother.
"I'm sorry Kat." Raj whispered. She nodded.
"I'm sorry too. About Elio. He was-" She stopped talking and just nodded at him. A way of saying I understand. Raj gave her a smile.

"It's alright. Now, let's get you cleaned up." He said sadly. Kat nodded gratefully and followed a woman to the to get helped. Lea looked up at Raj sadly. She let out a deep sigh. He huffed.
"What are we going to do Raj? How many more people are we going to loose for this war? For a war that, we both know, can't be won."

"Hopefully Faye was the last." He whispered. Lea shook her head at him and stood up. She began to walk away but Raj grabbed her by the arm. "I won't let anything happen to you Lea." She stared at him, then gave him a curt nod.


"A nuclear war." Sophia whispers. "Shit." She slams her hands on the table quickly and sighs.
"This is it Sophia." Zach whispers. It's the words no one wanted to hear but everyone was thinking. The end of the world was coming once more. This time, it was their fault.

"Since when have we ever given up?" Kala snapped at them. They all looked over at them.
"Kala. How do we win this?" Lee asks softly.
"Shut up! How can you even say that?" She snaps once more. Everyone widens their eyes.

"We can all fucking win this. I want to see my kids again. I want peace again. So how can you sit here and give up because of some nuclear bombs? So, create your own damn bombs."

Sophia let out a small chuckle. They all look over at her. She begins laughing quickly. They all stare at her for a moment before all burst out laughing. Kala shakes her head and sits down quickly. Sophia looks at them and sighs.

"I want that fucker dead." She whispers. They all nod in agreement. "So you want us to build bombs Kala?" She asks softly. Kala nods. "Go get the engineers." She orders to a servant.


"I miss my sister." Kat says softly. They all look over at her and nod slowly. They all sit by a fire in the dark. They had finished eating dinner a little over and hour ago. Earlier they had run into a group of smaller animals. They had caught them and cooked them. It was easy.

"I miss my parents." Lea replies softly. The others mummer their agreements. She sighs.
"I miss Elio too. And Faye." She whispers. They all are quiet for a moment before agreeing.
"Same." Raj whispers. "Where do you think they are now?" He asks softly. Lea shrugs.

"Hopefully somewhere good. Mom used to say that Uncle Jaxon and Ryn moved on. They moved on to a better place. I don't know what that means." Lorenzo whispers. They all nod.
"A better place. I would like to go there." Kat whispers. She looks up at the stars and sighs.

"I heard they become stars. That's what my mother used to say. When someone you love passes on, they become apart of the stars. She would say the human race was born from stars so it's only natural we return once we die." Xander whispers. Raj looks over at him slowly.

"Stars?" He asks, looking back up at the sky.
"There are billions of them. Probably even more. And more are always popping up. Who's to say those aren't people we've lost?" He asks. They all study the sky carefully and smile.

"What happens if they don't become stars? Or go on to a better place?" Donnie asks softly.
"Then they go to a bad place, I assume." Enzo whispers. "Fire. I heard that once." He says.
"What do you mean fire?" Lea asks quickly.

"Some people don't deserve to go to a good place because they've made too many mistakes in their life. So they are sentenced to burn for eternity." He whispers. They all stare at him.
"Will we go there?" Kat asks. Enzo frowns.
"I hope not." Enzo whispers quietly. They nod.

"Do you think Cameron will go there once he dies?" Lea asks softly. Xander shrugs at her.
"I hope not Lea." Raj whispers. They all turn to look at him in surprise. "Because we're just as bad as he is. So if he goes, we go too." He says.

They all widen their eyes and turn back to the stars. They all are quiet for a few moments.
"Who's to say we're not already there?" Kat whispers. No one looks at her or says anything. They all consider what she says though.

"Like a bad dream." Lea whispers. A shooting star flies over top of them in the sky. They all allow themselves to smile for the moment.


"DROP! HEY LEA, DROP!" Raj yells for her. She drops to the ground, a punch just missing her head. She grins at Raj and goes back to fighting. He sighs in relief and turns back to the fight. There's people everywhere. They've finally reached the middle of it all. The battle.

There are people screaming everywhere. There are bombs going off and blood splattering. People are crying out in pain or anger. People fall to the ground in a heep. Some people are all in the fight, diving, and dodging. Kicking and punching. This is it. The moment that decides the rest of their lives. Raj sighs.

"Fuck this." He whispers. Running through the crowd, he tries to find his way into the city. He needs to get in that castle. Enzo sees him and follows his lead, making sure to defend his younger brother. They're quick, throwing dagger through the air and shooting shots at anyone who dares to get in their way.

Lea, Kat, and Donnie are shooting and fighting. Lea passes a dagger to Kat who is fighting a man much bigger than her. She swipes on the back of his leg, causing him to fall back. She then plunges it into his chest quickly. He gulps.

"GREAT! NOW HELP ME!" Lea screams at her. She nods and shoots the man on top of Lea. Lea sighs in relief and thanks her loudly. Xander is running through the people, shooting anyone not on their side, trying to find Raj. He doesn't see the man behind him, holding a gun towards his head. Lea screams.

"XANDER!" It's as every other noise drowns out and the only noise is the single gunshot. It hits him in the back, causing him to jerk toward and grunt in pain. Lea screams in agony. She rushes toward him. Donnie shoots the man who shot Xander. She kneels next to Xander and begins to sob. "No. No. Please."

"You can't die on me now Xander. Raj needs you. He needs you." She cries. He nods at her.
"Tell him I'll see him in the stars Lea." He chokes out. She widens her eyes and nods at him. Then his eyes glaze over and he lets out his final breath. She screams his name.

She just sits there, holding his body in her arms. The battle continues on around her. Kat and Donnie shoot anyone who come near her, making it so they are protecting her. She cries. For her brother. For her childhood. She just cries. It's the only thing she has the strength to do anymore. It dawns on her then.

They aren't going to the stars.

So she presses on her bracelet button and begins to speak into it, holding it in front of her. She sniffs and stiffens her face quickly.
"We've lost so much. Too much. So here's to Faye Bocelli, Elio Peters, and Xander Kent. We will miss you. And may you go to the stars."


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