t w e n t y

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Sometimes it's best to stay quiet when someone else is in trouble, for fear that you to will become in trouble. Other times, you choose to speak out. You choose to stand up and fight. Maybe that's the better thing to do. The right thing. The helpful and good thing.

Maybe it's not.

That was always the question for Sophia. She wasn't raised to think that way. She was taught to look out for number one always. But she had never actually believed that herself. Her whole life she had doubted those lessons. That way. And now, here she was, throwing all those thoughts away. It was time. Time to win a war.

And she would do whatever it takes to survive. To help them survive. Her family. Her friends. Her kingdom and her people. That's what it came down to. The innocent lives of others, or theirs. But truly, no one was innocent. Not even the best person was innocent. Somehow.

"Send them out then. I want my people home." She commanded quietly. The two men before her nodded and quickly walked away. She let out a deep sigh and looked at the painting hung on the wall. Kathryn Nykos it read. She shook her head and thought out loud for a moment.

"Would you hate me for this? Am I doing the right thing?" She asked softly. She stayed quiet for a few moments before signing. "I wish you were all here with me." Then she closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she knew what she needed to do. She walked away quickly to find her husband and friends.


"I feel like I'm in a super stealth mission." Raj joked, pressing against the wall quickly and looking around in a fake, frantic manner. Enzo rolls his eyes and looks away from his brother.
"Hey, Enzo. Lighten up man. This could be it."
"Don't say that Raj. It's not funny." He snaps.

"It's a little funny." Raj replies quietly under his breath. Lorenzo stills hears him and rolls his eyes. Enzo keeps moving and trying to keep a straight face for his brother. They had left the others in the main battle about an hour ago.

They had been secretly making their way through the kingdom, trying to find the palace. Suddenly Enzo stops and holds Raj back from walking any further. Raj turns to him in annoyance and sees Enzo staring up in awe. Raj too looks up at the palace before them.

It's huge. There had been many editions on to it since Sophia had visited years ago. The once beautifully crafted palace, was now a center for battle. Hung from the turrets were banners with the crest of the kingdom. However, they were ripped and ruined from storms. It looked like the palace hadn't been repaired or cleaned in years. Like they were planning for this.

One tower is has fell and is a mess of rubble, probably caused by deterioration or explosions. Raj takes a deep inhale and blows out loudly.
"Damn. That's something alright." He mocked. Enzo reaches over and punches him in the arm receiving a small gasp of pain from Raj. Enzo shakes his head quickly and sighs. Raj laughs.

"This can't be it." Enzo whispers. Raj snorts.
"This is definitely it. And this is perfect. I can't wait to tell mom about-" Raj is cut off by a loud rumbling noise. They both turn around quickly and look up at the dark clouds in the sky. A few flashes of light are inside of it, rumbling. They both gasp and take big gulps before staring to stumble away quickly. They still look up as they try to run away from the upcoming storm.

Raj shakes Enzo quickly, making him turn around. They both quickly start to run away, glancing back every few seconds. They reach the gate to the palace and try to find a way in. Rain starts to pour down on them and the thunder grows louder. They stumble around the gate before spotting a hole ripped in it.

Enzo points it out to Raj. Raj nods and follows Enzo through the hole and into the grounds of the Palace. There isn't any guards outside, making it easy for Raj and Enzo to find their way inside and take a deep breath. They both put their hands on the their knees, out of breath. Raj looks over at Enzo and shakes his head, laughing. Enzo looks at him and frowns.

"You look rough." Raj teases his brother loudly.
"You do too." Enzo says sarcastically before turning to looks around the dreary palace. He sighs and narrows his eyes. "Where do you suppose everyone is?" He asks quietly. Raj looks around and shrugs. Enzo looks at a big staircase and frowns. It's dirty and broken.

"It looks like people haven't lived here in...."
"Years. Yeah I know." Enzo finishes. Raj nods.
"I don't like this Enzo." Raj blurts quietly. Enzo nods in agreement and steps back to stand with his brother. He pulls his gun out of his pocket. Raj follows the action and narrows his eyes.

He nudges his brother quickly, not taking his eyes off of what's in front of him. Enzo turns to him in annoyance. Raj's eyes are wide in fear. Enzo sighs deeply and looks to see what Raj is looking at when he stops short. His eyes widen to and they slowly begin to back away. It's too late. Because whatever it is that Raj has seen,

has seen them as well.


The bombs are set off, leaving explosions everywhere. The smell of sulfur and gas fills the air, leaving smoke and the faint tint of blood. The dust settles, revealing the few people still alive in the mass of exploded people's bits and pieces. Some of the dead they can recognize.

Most they can't.

Two boys from their cohort. A rank leader. Katerina. Those are the dead. Those are just the few added people to the many deaths over the years. And those that are left standing may be alive physically, but they are dead far beyond how they look. They feel gone. Like all the life has been drained out of them. And the only thing left now is pain, sorrow, and anger.


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