t w e l v e

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They stood on the edge of a battlefield, overlooking a fight happening beneath them. They were mostly together now. Many of the cohorts had come together. Raj held the hands of his sister and Lorenzo stood next to them. Their eyes were wide as they watched the battle unfold before them. Lea inhaled sharply.

"I'm scared." She whispered into the air. Raj looked over at her in the corner of his eyes.
"Me too." He said softly. She looked up at him and tried to smile. Lorenzo grabbed her other hand and held it tight. They turned to him.
"We all are. But we're going to make it through this. I promise." He said softly, never breaking eye contact with the fight. They nodded slowly.


Quickly they broke apart their hands and rushed into battle. Donnie wasn't far behind them. With one last battle cry they shot a bullet  and said their prayers. This was it. The beginning of everything that was coming.


Zaya stood on a balcony and looked out at the world before her. She was hated now. By her aunts and uncles. Her friends. And for some reason, she wasn't entirely upset about it. She let out a deep sigh and turned away from the outside world. She felt safer in here. In the palace, even if she wasn't truly safe. She had a theory about Sophia stabbing her in her sleep.

She had no doubt that if she pissed off Sophia more, it might come true. Frowning, she watched as two maids whispered about her. Everyone here knew everything about everyone. Nothing was kept a secret. That was the thing about court. If you didn't want everyone to know, then you told no one.

But everyone had seen it happen. So, by conclusion, they all knew every detail of the event. Zaya hated it. She hated everyone who knew. Everyone who was involved. Though, she did not hate herself. She was right. That's what she told herself. She was a proud girl.

She wouldn't let anyone see her falter. So she raised her head higher and sneered at anyone who even looked in her direction. Poor thing. That's what they would say. She doesn't know what's good for her. Well she would show them. She would show them that she could be the best. Better than everyone else here.

She hated most things these days. But what she hated most of all was everyone thinking she was weak. She was not weak. She would prove that today. She would prove that she could rule the kingdom. That she was worthy enough. And all those years of being silenced, would come to an end. She would no longer cower at Sophia Rally. She wouldn't sit silent. Or still.

She would stand tall. She would speak her mind. And maybe for good measure, slap that bitch in the face. She didn't deserve the crown. The throne. She was just a foolish woman. A scared woman. A crazy woman. She hadn't earned her throne. She had been handed it on a silver platter. Like she had been, her whole life.

She screw Sophia Shade. Sophia Rally. Whoever she decided to be. Whoever she was. Whoever she is. Or will be. She will always be the enemy of Zaya Rush. Not because of some petty fight or argument. But because she had what Zaya wanted. What Zaya deserved.

And she would no longer try to hide her desire. She had tried to be with Lorenzo. She had tried to marry into power. Into royalty. But she had failed. So now she would need seize it by herself. Because if you want something done the right way, you have to do it yourself.

Zaya rolled her eyes at the painting of Sophia, Zachariah, Lorenzo, Raj, and Lea. Stupid. She thought. How dare she sit on a throne and call herself Queen. She wasn't a Queen. She never would be. And Lea too. She was just a spoiled little girl. And she would never know true pain.

Not like Zaya.

(Suggested song- Soldier by Fleurie)

Lea braced herself for the hit. She knew it was too late to duck the punch, so she took it. The man's fist collided with her jaw quickly. The impact made Lea cry out in pain. She held her jaw and glared up at the man. He went to hit her again but she stabbed him in the foot. He screamed out and she smiled, satisfied.

She got up and joined Donnie. Donnie smiled and took her hand. Lea widened her eyes slightly but soon sank into his touch. She shot a bullet at another man and Donnie pulled her out of the way of another bullet. She thanked him softly and looked out to her brothers. They were fighting side by side. Raj turned to Enzo and gave him a slight smile. Enzo smiled back.

Watching them, Lea smiled as well. As painful as everything was, they were still together. She took a sharp inhale as Donnie called out to her. She quickly turned around to see a man coming towards her. She furrowed her face and took a dive towards him. In surprise, he stopped. Exactly what she wanted him to do.

He tripped over her and she smiled through the pain. He had kicked into her rib cage when he had fell but she bit her lip and stabbed him in the neck quickly. He made a gurgling noise and then quickly quieted down. Lea gulped. She had killed multiple people but she had avoided it while she could. Sometimes there was no way around it. She had to accept that.

"Don't back down now Lea!" Donnie called. She looked up at him and met his eyes. Something clicked in her mind and she turned back around to the battlefield. She raised her head up and ran into the middle of the battle. She went through multiple people. Stabbing, punching, ducking. Whatever she needed to do.

She looked around her for a moment, examining everything. The dust was settling. The fighting was dying down. She raised her eyebrow and sent a cry out into the field. She looked down at the bodies in front of her.
"What have we done?" She whispered.


"Asshole!" Kat cried out and she slammed the end of the gun into someone's face. The person cried out and grabbed their face. She glared.
"You bitch." The woman seethed at her. Kat rolled her eyes and elbowed the woman in the gut and swiped her foot, knocking her down.

"Nice try." Kat whispered under her breath. Then she aimed her gun at the woman's head and shot. The woman's head hit the ground hard and blood began to come from a wound. Kat bit back a gag and closed her eyes softly.

"It's okay Kat." Faye whispered. It was unconvincing. Faye could tell that Kat didn't buy it. She took a deep breath and pulled Kat along with her. Kat opened her eyes and looked away from the bodies and up at the sky. Blue.
"I'm just gonna close my eyes for a little." Kat said in a daze. Faye frowned and turned to her.

"Kat!" She yelled as Katerina sank to the ground. "Wake up!" She shook her furiously. Hayley kneels down beside them and touches her fingers to Kat's neck. She sighs in relief.
"She's alive. She's probably just lost too much blood. Don't worry Faye. She'll be awake soon."


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