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Hey everyone...

Sorry it took so long to upload luvs! I'm going to try to update more often from now on :)

"War?" Lorenzo finally speaks up.
"Yes darling. I am too... sick... to go."
"You need me... you need me to go."
"I'm afraid so, my son." Sophia says.
"I'll do it... for you. Mum, why?"

"It's not my choice darling. You know I would not choose this. Especially with Elara being in the middle..." She says.
"I know Mum. I understand. But like you said, sometimes we must do what we have to do to survive in this world."

"Because this world will do the same."


"We're going to war..." Raj says slowly.
"That's what... yes." Lorenzo whispers.
"And mum can't go... so she's asking you to help her..." Raj says softly.

"Yes." Lorenzo repeats again. Raj nods.
"Why didn't she ask me?" He asks him weakly. Lorenzo stares at him. "You are to be the next king. You can't be harmed. You can't... I should go." He says softly, his eyes widening. Lorenzo shakes his head at him brother quickly.

"No. You can't. You are too young."
"I'm not that young Lorenzo! You cannot control me for the rest of my life. You can't!" Raj yells. "No Enzo."
"No. You can't speak to me like that."

"You can't stop me." Raj says before walking out of the room quickly. Lea who sat by the window flinches slightly. "You realize you can't control him. He's stubborn. Like mum. I'm going too."

Lorenzo stares at her in silence. He shakes his head quickly, frowning.
"Lea," He starts, but she won't let him.
"No. Don't Lea me. I am going as well."
She storms out of the room after Raj, leaving Lorenzo alone again. He sighs.


"Your joking." Lee says annoyed. "We're going to war again?" He asks.
"Unfortunately. Yes." Zach says. He adjusts the crown on his head. Sophia looks down at the table and sighs.
"It's not a choice. They declared war. They are attacking us. The only choice we have is beating them at their own game." She says loudly. "I'm sorry."

"But like I said, we don't have a choice." She adds quietly. Leila nods.
"You know. It feels like your always saying that." She says quietly. Sophia looks up at her. "Your always saying you don't have a choice Sophia. You always have. When is that going to change? When are you finally going to get the choice? When are we?"

"When are our kids going to have the choice?" She adds more quietly. Sophia stares at her for a few moments before nodding curtly, signaling that she didn't want to talk about it anymore."
"You think I want this?" Sophia says, her voice cracking slightly. "You think I want to risk my life again? Your lives? Our children's lives?" She stands up.

"The answer is no. In case you couldn't tell." She says fiercely before walking away from them quickly. She slams the door behind her and everyone winces.
"You know I love you Leila but why do you say stuff like that to her?" Nate says quietly to his wife. She frowns.

"Because I'm her best friend. And someone needs to tell it how it is." She says before she too, stands up and walks out the door after Sophia. Nate groans slightly and looks over at Lee and Kala. Lee is frowning and Kala is nervously biting her fingernails. Zach is the first one to break the silence.

"We have to go. We can't let the kids risk their lives. We were forced into that life but they aren't. So we have to go. I will not loose my children." He says forcefully. Nate nods in agreement and takes a deep breath. Lee nods.
"She won't want that." Kala says softly.

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