2. A Royal Wedding

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"Are you ready, Vic?" Dad entered the room holding a sleeping Louis in his arms. He smiled as I turned to him, nodding.

"I am, yes." I placed the fascinator, that matched with my dress, on its place and walked towards my father. "Are we all ready?"

My father didn't reply, but instead pulled me into a hug with the arm he wasn't using to hold Louis, and I was caught off guard by that.

"Dad- Dad" I smiled, hugging him as well. "Is everything alright?"

"It is," finally, he left me. "It's just... You look so much like your mother," he took my hand.

I giggled, as the atmosphere was becoming a bit too sappy. "Is it a positive thing or...?"

He giggled as well and kissed my forehead. "Of course. You're so beautiful sweetheart."

"Thanks, dad" I replied.

"Alright, so" after a couple seconds dad shook his head. "We're gonna be late, so we better head downstairs."

I agreed. He stepped aside to allow me going first, and I made my way downstairs where mum, George and Charlotte were already waiting. "We thought you got lost in the house," mum joked. "We've been waiting for ten minutes."

"Now we are here," dad pointed out, giving Louis to Nanny Maria. He wasn't coming with us to the wedding, of course, but he would have come to the reception.

"Yeah, I think you have to go, Will" mum smiled before kissing dad and almost pulling him out of the door. "Harry's probably a bundle of nerves right now, and it's time for you two to have your walk to the church." Just after dad had left, mum turned once again to us. "In the meantime, we're going to get everyone else."

As mum held George's hand, I kneeled down, lifted Charlotte in my arms and carried her to the car. I helped her climbing inside and followed her. Shortly after, we left Kensington Palace.


Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the church. It was way crowded than when we left Kensington Palace, as it now had all the bridesmaids and pageboys that were about to attend the wedding.

"Let's go Vic," mum called, opening the door and climbing out. I did the same, and we helped the children out. My sister waited right by my side and as soon as my hands were free she grabbed it, a bit unsure, but she kept waving.

Mum, George and the other children reached us and Meghan's maids walked towards us to help us take care of the children. We climbed the stairs all the way up to the top and waited for Meghan to arrive. Dad and uncle Harry were already inside, and I could see glimpses of them every now and then. The church was absolutely beautiful and I couldn't wait to go inside.

Where the Queen's car arrived, I knew it was just a matter of minutes before Meghan's arrival. My great grandma made her way up the stairs, followed by my great grandpa. I curtsied to her, just like my mother and the other women. After she greeted the bishop she made her way to her seat and, as I thought, Meghan's car stopped in front of the church shortly after. I left the children to go and help and her mother Doria with veil.

"Careful," she smiled as she climbed out of the car.

"Of course," I replied. "Meghan, you look beautiful."

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