Scenario 12: When you fall asleep on him

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Another weekend arrived and you were heading out to send time at the S.F base.
You pack everything you need, did some tidying up and lock up everything; you were just playing on your phone to kill time since Cassie is picking you up.
Taking a slip of your remaining water and place the glass into the sink, letting out yawn due to getting up earlier by one of your neighbors starting to cut the grass at five in the morning which was weird but you try to go back to sleep but you know it won't be happening and you might as well just hop into the shower to wake up and get things ready.
Cassie texted saying she's going to be late because she's going to get her apartment insurance together and she needs to pay it off; so she's going to be late and hopefully to come around close to noon to pick you up.
You replied that's fine and tell her to text you when she's close; to kill time you turn on your T.V and watch some shows that caught your eye while having some toast to snack on.
When 11:36 am she text that she's close, you grab your stuff, turn off your TV and lock your doors then walked out as she pulled up, you got into her car and she drive away.
You two were halfway there as a small ping of pain started appearing on the side of your fore-head and starting to throb, raising your head to gently rub it, Cassie notices when she pulled into a stop-light.

"Are you okay?" Cassie ask.
"Hm?" You response to her "Yea I'm fine" you drop your hand thinking it was just minor but it started up again and you rub it again "Just a small headache coming, I'll take some aspirin when we get there".
"Do you think it's 'Aunt Red and Cousin Flow' coming to visit soon?" once the light turn green she turn the wheel and turn corner "Sometimes you get early headache when it comes" you shook your head.
"Possibly but not until next week and a half when it'll start" you comment as you lean against the seat "I'm going to shut my eyes for the moment" you said and close your eyes, she nodded.
"If you do fall asleep, I'll wake you when we get there" the young blonde reach and turn down the volume of her radio.

Relaxing on the car seat, you enjoy the ride all way to the base for twenty-five minutes and Cassie found her parking spot, put it in park then turn off the engine.
You quickly open your eyes once you hear the engine turn off, you both got out of the car and you grab your stuff.
Walking into the front desk, filling in your info and grab your visitor badge, you and Cassie walked down the hallway and chatted about things, another small pain appeared on the same spot on your head but it was minor so thinking it'll just go away in time.

"Oh by the way" Cassie spoke "Today is his day off and I told him you'll go to his room once we parted ways".
"Okay" You grin at her "Got any files for me to drop off?" You tease while she laugh.
"Nah you're good, beside you don't work here anymore" she reminded you, you shrug.
"Yeah but still you know I'll come back and help" You offered, your friend smile at you.
"I'll keep that mind" She reach over give you a half hug, you return it.

When you two reach her office, she said she got some emails to send out and get a few new files sorted then she's done.
You both said bye; she entered into her office while you headed toward Raiden's room while putting out your phone and text him you were on your way.
Walking your head started to throb again; you raise your hand and slowly massage the same spot before.
Reaching his room you think maybe you leave your stuff here and quickly go the cafeteria to grab some food and take some aspirin to ease it.
Letting out a sigh you knock on his door, he called out behind the door while you answer you're here, within few seconds the door open as he held it as you walk into room and place your stuff next to his couch, before he could shut the door you stop him.

"Wait, I'm going back out" you inform him. Confusion appears on his face.
"May I ask why?" He frown a little.
"I'm just quickly going to the cafeteria to grab some food, I have a little headache and I want to take aspirin to ease it, but I need food in me first" you answer while gently rubbing your head. His expression turn in a little worried.
"You do not need to go to the cafeteria" Raiden shuts the door "I have food if you want some" he offer and when he said that you felt relieved and give him a smile.
"Thank you, what do you have?" You ask.
"Only fruit; apples, oranges and grapes" he listed.
"I'll take grapes, and just little not a lot" you requested, he nodded and went to the kitchen.
"Please take a seat" he said, you waned to the couch and sat down "Would you like some water too?" Raiden open the fridge and grab the plastic box of grapes.
"Sure" you agree, you close your eyes to ease it.

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