Scenario 8: When he helps you relax

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It was one of those weeks. The week of bad days, stress and things aren't going well for you.
It did started a bit small at times and never got bigger thankfully but it feels like life wants to punish you a little bit.
You usually pay your mortgage on your first payday of the week of the month, and after you send the money you screen capture it to remind yourself you paid it and go on to other bills.
However in two weeks in the mortgage company send you a reminder that you haven't paid it, which confuse you as you called them and say you did paid them and email the screen shot you took stated it successfully went through and there was no trouble on your end. They say they will look into it and hoping it's a computer glitch.
But a few days later you got another reminder from them stated you haven't paid, you contact that them again and it's the same song and dance but with a different person.
When the next payday came you thought to be safe you'll paid it again and took a screen shot thinking the glitch was fix.
Well right before the end of the month they contacted you again saying you still haven't paid; this worried you and you contact them for the third time and show both screen shots on different days you paid.
They did state there's an issue with the system for a while and they did send an email out about the problem about a week ago.
Opening your laptop to check to see if you have that email, you inform them you didn't and even type in the mortgage company name to see in, none recently new and even check your junk mail in case, still nothing.
Figuring that they believe you were a few people when the glitch started to happen; they made a note that you along with others have called and stated they paid but not showing up in the system and they are trying to get it fix as best they could.
You try to remind calm and keep praying it would be sorted eventually.
Work on the other hand wasn't helping either, you been called in on your days off more now because some workers were on vacation while some called in sick and your manager called you because you have proven to be more reliable.
Always agreeing because hey overtime pay and extra money but its every time you were just planning out your relax day; your phone rings and your manager calls in and ask you to come in.
Begrudging you agree since well you know the situation at work and short-staffed is not fun and you understand how worried your manager is to get everything done but when it on your days off and being called in a lot.
Your manger also promise that you'll get a day off and left alone but it didn't happen and you don't want to pick a fight with your manger but all and all it got annoying.
The past month was driving you crazy not only was the stress but worried fill you that if the payment didn't go through twice and a part of you wants to try for a third time, but you thought it would be best if they contact you first and inform you of the situation, it would suck that it wasn't fix and they might have to restart the system, meaning you have to refill your info again for the house payment, now your thoughts race with fear that your mind started the 'what if' happens. If it not fix and keep going on it could possibly hit your credit score and could lead to losing your home, resulting you checking your emails every two hours in case the mortgage company send you another email saying you still have not paid despite you did, twice! Not to mention work has been driving you up the wall.
When it was time to pick you up to visit Special Forces on the weekend visit to send time with your boyfriend, Cassie pick you up and drive down.
She notice how annoyed you look and ask what's wrong. You let out a lot stress and worries in the open, Cassie nodded and try giving some advice as best she can and comfort you; even saying 'Seeing Raiden could make you feel better'.
It did bring a smile to your face since you haven't physically seen him a while. Yes you two do facetime every now and then but you miss seeing him in person and you sure he feels the same.
You did tell him about what happen with the mortgage payments and your work, he always assure you things will be alright and try not to be stress, you did try to take his advice having nice baths, watching your favorite shows or movies, playing video games, reading your books or comics, going on walks to clear your head and other things to release stress; but things have a funny way to creep back into your mind.
When you both reach the base, enter the building and enter into her office you notice it was empty beside the soft radio playing.
Cassie reaches up to starch her cheek in question.

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