Scenario 9: Homemade dinner for two

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You were excited for the past few days and counting down when you are going to cook for Raiden.
At times you do enjoy cooking for your friends and your family; trying and challenging yourself to make different food is and depending on the results afterwards is rewarding.
Trying different spices and sauces to give it a twist with the meat and vegetables, and if it turns out good you can share with everyone.
A nice warm homemade dinner always brings a smile to everyone face and sending the few hours left together of the day.
Plus as stated in the deal you two made a while ago he can watch you and learn how to make a meal as you guide him how to make it.
Sure people have many ways to prepare a meal their own way; you'll mention this to Raiden when he feels more comfortable when he tries it sometime and also get a little creative with.
After work you headed to the grocery store and pick up what you need to make the meal among with fresh vegetables, spices and sauces. Checking the expire date; if it's close to bad you'll leave it ago and go for the back to get the fresh ones. If they don't have the sauces or spice your looking you always have a replacement for it due to either running out or there wasn't in the store so you had to get creative with what's in your kitchen.
Along with the (favorite) meat your planning to use.
Once you got home you place the spices and sauces in the cupboards then with meat and vegetables in the fridge to keep fresh and cool. You even cut some little extra ingredients; like a little bit of onion, mushroom and potatoes and put them into little containers.
Deciding to make banana bread for desert and your banana were starting to go bad. Well regardless if the banana are past the expire date or not you can still make the bread.
Pulling up your phone and went to your favorites collections and found the recipe then grab what you needed to make it then pre-heat the oven. You make the batter then added little touches to give it a nice kick.
Using butter to grease the bread pat and pour the batter into it; setting up the timer and use the stove-top to get your dinner for the night going; which luckily only takes an half hour to make.
Once the oven beeps you pull out the banana bread and set it to the side, opening the drawer and grabbing a tooth pick then stab the bread to see if there is still wet batter inside. Happy that it's done and let it alone to cool down.
You even cut up some watermelon you bought among with your groceries and put them in a container then put them in the fridge, you really can't wait to bring everything with you tomorrow.
Finishing everything and having a quick dinner you decide to chat with Raiden for a bit, You texted him to see if he's free, he responds yes he is and you both video chat for a while then you ask again if he had all the cooking utensils; just to double check. He stated again he has everything and ready for you when you come to the base and to his room.
Chatting for an hour you both say your farewells and looking forward for tomorrow.
Jacqui was picking you up from your home, you text her and see if she's ready for tomorrow, she reply yes and she'll pick you up around 9:30ish am because she has an errand to do before she comes around your place.
You wish her a good night, lock up your home and headed to bed for the evening.


Waking up after 6:45 in the morning; you got up, have a quick shower, pack all what you need in your backpack and get dress.
Grabbing two shopping bags; one with foil inside to keep all the food cold or hot and one normal bag.
Putting the vegetables, sauces, spices, banana bread and the watermelon all in containers and zip-lock bags in the normal shopping bag and putting the meat on in the foil bag to keep cool, and quickly do a quickly cleaning around the house.
Around 9:10 Jacqui text you that she's on the way. You lock up everything and grab your stuff and waited outside which it didn't take long as she pulled up from the sidewalk next to your house.
When you reach her car you ask her to open the truck of her car, which she did and you put them in, close it then enter the passage side, close the door, fasten your seat belt as she pull away from your home.

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