Scenario 14: When he use a Pick up line

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Disclaimer -- I use this video as refences for making lasagna the dinner in this story.


A content sigh escapes her lips as a calm smile appear afterwards on the blonde's lips, inhaling her and her father's lunch.
Cassie has been craving for one of her favorite food places for a while now and she cave into that craving and went out to get it.
Of course she ask Jacqui, her father and Raiden if they want anything, Jacqui and Johnny added what they want while Raiden decline the offer.
The blonde woman thought about asking the Colonels, Majors and Generals if they can have a 'special meal' day for everyone beside holidays and parties.
Once she pick up the food she went straight for her friend at her workshop due to fixing her gadgets, handed her food and drink then she headed towards her office knowing her father and Raiden will be there.
Reaching for her office door, she place the two drinks in between her elbow and body to hold them. Using her free hand to grab the doorknob and twist it.

"I do not want that Johnny Cage" Raiden voice broke in the air, making the young blonde woman alert.
"Don't be disrespectful of my gift" her father whine, she made a face and while thinking 'What now?'


"No" Raiden stated while writing down a message, Johnny groan.
"Come on Raiden! I got you this book!" the actor protested.
"I refuse to take it" The white hair man put down his pen and place the paper he was writing on a pile of papers.
"Look you don't have to keep it, just read a few lines then your good!" Johnny tries to reassure "Hell it'll be fine if you use it as a door stopper, a stand for a uneven table or a paper weight!".
"I rather not have that in my living quarters" Raiden stated as he stood up and took the pile of papers in his hands.

The door opens as Cassie walked in a large bag of food and a few drinks in her hands, she looked at the two adult men bittering about something, she raise an eye-brown while her dad is pestering Raiden again, she figure it's now time for her to rescue Raiden from the looney tone father of hers. She clears her voice to get the two males attention.

"Raiden you can go to lunch now" She order, he nodded and place the pile of papers back on his desk, walked past Johnny and past her, the young blonde caught relief on his face as he exits the office, she gives her father a dull glare "Alright dad, what are you pestering him about this time?" She questions while walking up to Raiden's desk and place the large lunch bag on it.
"I got him this book that I want him to read" He answer while he shows the hardcover to her, she leans and read the title.

'Pick up lines for you to try on your lover~'

The young blonde blink then looks at her did with a questionable and annoyed stare while her dad gives his signature cheesy smile while, she let out a sigh. There were at times she wonders how this person; Johnny Cage, one of Earthrealms' champions, defender of realm, the same man who took down Shinnok and her father has such childish humor and acting goofy, she even wonders how her mom and him got together in the first place.

"Dumb question to ask, why did you get that book?" She asks again.
"I thought Raiden could loose up a bit more around (Y/N) more, and maybe help him around others to, he's too stiff and aloof" comment Johnny.
"You realize he's always been like that?" She pointed it out "Regardless if that book did work, (Y/N) seems fine around him and she never complaint about him like that" she open the bag and grab her lunch "At least not to me".
"You think that he's mortal now, he can be little less stricter and not uptight" Johnny said as he place the book on the desk.
"He's been adjusting fine, even if he did loosen up a bit he'll still be Raiden" stated Cassie while taking a bite out of her burger, chew it then swallow "Beside, I think I would be a little scare and amaze to see a 'Fun-loving' Raiden".
"That's why I bought this book!" He patted on it "This will help him in the right direction" beam Johnny, Cassie sigh.
"Dad just eat your food, or I shove it in your face" she pushes the bag towards her dad.

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