Scenario 11: His daily routine

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6:25 am The sun light speared in the bedroom greeting the new morning on a weekday. None morning people dread getting up from their comfy bed; wanting to go back to sleep and stay in dream land rather than to start the day, Opposite were morning people are always up and ready to face the day even if they know it'll be a stressful day ahead. He is one of them. Hell he doesn't even need a alarm clock because his body has its own wake up schedule.
Raiden slowly open his eyes and look around his bedroom, as the sun shine through his close curtains.
Lifting the blanket off of him as he's sitting up letting out a small yawn and stretch his limps then slowly get out of his bed.
The bedroom is simple with a double-size bed in the middle of the room, with a nightstand on the right, with his phone and key to his room.
A small dresser next to the nightstand and small shelve among with the window. Across from it is a small work desk with a chair and a few drawers and next to it is two large closets.

He rotate his neck to get the stiffness out of it while walking toward the big closet next to the desk, he open it and grab two towels on the bottom level on the left side, close the closet door then exiting his bedroom and headed towards the bath...

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He rotate his neck to get the stiffness out of it while walking toward the big closet next to the desk, he open it and grab two towels on the bottom level on the left side, close the closet door then exiting his bedroom and headed towards the bathroom and entered.
He places the towels on his sink, step towards the toilet and did his business, after he was done he quickly wash his hands despite that he is going in the shower next but he wouldn't touch himself after went to the toilet.
Using one of the towels to dry his hands then strip off his pajamas and underwear. Open the glass door and step into the shower and close it. Turning on the water and step into it, shivering with the water hit his body. Being use to the cold water, there were times he did medicate under water falls to help teach the shaolin children or he wanted to use a different method of medication. And once in a while bathe underneath it.
Soon the water started to warm up and run his fingers through his hair, waking him up fully and relax under the falling water.
Raiden reach over on the shelve inside the shower and grab the body wash and wash cloth next to it and apply amount on the cloth, rub it as bubbles started to form then started to wash his body.
Down to his toes and work his way up to legs and his waist then applied more than the rest of his upper body, arms and neck.
Once done, he rinse the soap off of him, return both the body wash and the cloth to its spot, then reach for the shampoo, applied some in his hands then wash his hair while steam slowly fog the glass and the mirror.
Two minutes of washing his hair he run his fingers again in his hair to get the shampoo out of his hair then lastly applied the conditioner. Raiden notice the weight of the bottle and shake it a bit, nearly empty. He figure he needed to make a list of what to get on the army base market this weekend then return it back on the shelve.
Four minutes pass as he's finish getting rid of the soap out of his hair, one last rinse then turn off the water and exit the shower stall.
Walking up to the sink and grabbing one towel and wrap it around his waist, then grab the second one to dry his hair.
Once he was done with the second towel he place it on the towel rack behind him to let it air dry, using his hands to wipe the steam from the mirror to look at his reflection then start the morning routine. He examine his face; being mortal for a while he notice some little stubble grown above his upper lip but it's not enough to shave and wait a bit for it to grow out.
He grabs the hair brush and started brushing his hair while the air slowly dries his body from whatever water was left.
Returning the brush from its spot, reaching down to grab the pajamas and undergarments and exit the bathroom to return to his bedroom.
Next to the door of his bedroom was a med-size laundry basket as he place the clothes in, he check inside and see it's nearly full, he had to remind himself to wash his clothes sometime this week.
Stepping to the small dresser near the nightstand, open it and grab fresh underwear and socks, close it and place them on the bed.
Opening the closet again, his brown eyes scan the hangers of clothes to see which he'll wear today.
Deciding it is getting a little warmer in due to the weather change; he pull out an off-white light shirt with long sleeves and navy blue dress pants out of the closet.
He place them on the bed as he use the towel around his waist to dry the rest of his body.
Placing the towel on the bed, he put on his underwear then changes into his day clothes.

Everyday life - Mortal!RaidenXReader scenarios stories! - Mortal Kombat Series.Where stories live. Discover now