Scenario 10: Say Cheese!

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Clicking the 'print' icon on the computer while the printer started printing some paper, the white hair man sighs and lean in to the office chair for a bit and rub his fore-head.
In the middle of the afternoon Raiden done all the filing, emailing and handing documents to the other generals, majors and colonels and printing.
Glancing at the clock on the wall only three minutes lefts before he starts his break, glancing around the office and figure why not water the plants since it's getting a little warm lately and help himself with a cup of tea.
Taking the printed paper and stack them nicely in a pile, he got up from his desk and headed to the serving drink table.
He made himself green tea and walked back to his desk, placing the tea cup on the table and away from any paper or important files.
Reaching down and grab the watering can, quickly made a stop in the bathroom to refill it and return to the room.
Watering the plants in his office first since they were smaller and only give them a little bit of amount then move on to Cassie's office and waters her plants.
A beeping noise caught his attention once he finishing watering the last plant then exits Cassie's office and placing the watering can back in it's spot.
Placing a hand in his pocket he pulled out his phone and open to see, it's a text message from you.

Hey I'm nearly the end of my second break, How you are doing? Hope your day is going well~

A warm smile curve on his lips as he read the message. He typed back.

I am doing well.
Yes my day is going as well to, how about yours?

He's gotten use to handling the phone as you and others stated, he has no social media accounts because honestly; why would he have one? He seen everyone around him use, you included it and has baffled him so why everyone interest in it, again believe it's a waste of time and let everyone do what they want it while he just use the phone for calling and messaging.
After he send the text message he return his phone back into his pocket, walked back to his desk, reaching over to grab the printed papers and check the lettering to see if there's no faded ink or spotting. If so he can call maintenance to switch out the ink cartridge from the printer.
Raiden softly tap the papers from the bottom and the side to make them neat, the door open caught his attention he turn his head towards it as Cassie steps in.

"Hey Raiden did you get—" Before the blonde girl can start, Raiden spoke up.
"All the files are on your desk waiting to be sign from the Lieutenant Colonels from this morning, I send out the reports to the Colonels, Majors and Generals, finally the emails just finish printing" The white haired man stated holding the papers in his hands. Cassie stood there surprise that he knew what she was going to say to him and already had the answer ready.
"Wow...I didn't even have to open my mouth" she reply walking up to him and taking the papers out of his hands and look through them but a small smile appeared on her lips "But I'm impressive, you doing well for the past few months when you first started".
"Thank you Cassandra Cage" He give her a slight bow.
"Keep this up, you'll land another job in no time once you figure what you want" She stated, he nodded in agreement "Go and take your break now" order Cassie.

Raiden return to his desk and sat down while about to reach for his book his currently reading, his phone beep again.
Reaching into his back pocket and pull out his phone, you send another text message.

Today is fine, just a slow day. But not bad.

He replied back.

That is good, do not work to hard.

You as well 8D

He exits the text message and it went to your contacts, showing your picture Cassie added in his phone and stare at it.
Just in another week he gets to see you again and send time with you, that soft smile appears on his face.
Cassie walked behind his desk to grab a pen then notice he's holding his phone and sees the picture of you and grin.

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