Scenarios 3: Future date Plans

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"Don't look at the keyboard only look at the screen" Cassie told Raiden as she saw him cast his eyes downward to see if he's pressing the right keys. He sigh frustrating.
"I am trying but I keep missing the letter keys I want to press" explain Raiden; moving back to the screen; slowly typing. "And it kept saying I am spelling it incorrect".
"Like I show you have to type and where to put your fingers are" She grab his hands and placing them like she remember in computer typing classes. As best she can try thought she thinks she should put him in some classes, to give him more understanding but Cassie will wait in case.

While that was happening you and Jacqui were sitting on the couch drinking coffee/tea/water/pop while watching the two with curious stare.
Raiden is trying his hardest but he keeps looking down the keyboard while Cassie is scolding him not to. You can tell he's getting a little annoyed since he's not use being scolded by her. It's usually the other way around but you did find it a little funny. When Cassie let him go for the day you and him will either go to the library or walk outside the base to let him get cool off a bit and you'll listen to him when he needs to vent.
For nearly a month and a half Cassie, Jacqui and sometimes Johnny will pick you up from your house and drive to Special Forces base while you and Raiden can continue sending time together.
Despite there isn't not much to do at the base though you both managed; while he's training in the gym you would bring a book or your laptop to watch a movie to entertain yourself. Or go to the library or cafeteria to sit and talk.
Cassie did mention to Raiden there is an entertainment room for soldiers to relax themselves but the white haired man decides against it because it's either to noisy or to crowded. Quiet places are what he prefers.
Today is your usual date to meet up with him and hang out, Jacqui pick you up and headed towards Cassie's office to see the two of them on Raiden's own desk at the computer, Cassie stated she needed a message to be written up and send to another military for recruitment but her computer in her office isn't working right so she's ask Raiden to slowly write out the message what she's telling him and helping him with typing. Why didn't she borrow his computer to type out the message herself? Because she wants to help him and she knows Raiden wants to do it on his own as best he can.
While that was happen you and Jacqui were talking about her wedding plans; she finally found a caterer that she, Takeda, Jax and Kenshi liked; done the taste testing and pick out the dinner menu, the cake and sweets
Which was good for her and Takeda so they finally breathe after looking and either got turn down because there were already date sets up on their wedding day or they both didn't like the food choices.

"So everything is ready to go then?" You ask your friend while she smile at you.
"Yes!" She cheered "Now the only things left now is the dress picking and fitting while Takeda does the tuxedo fittings among a little left on the list" She grabs her phone from her pocket, open the calendar app and looked at the date then back at you. "Are you coming along next Saturday for your dress?" She asks since your work randomly calls you to fill in when two or more people called in sick; it's one of those 'last minute' things and they do give you the option to say no if you wanted. At times it was no issue for you and you have the next work day off but it did interfere with your sending time with friends and family. You look at the date at her phone.
"Yea I can make it" You said while nodding.
"We'll meet you downtown to around ten" Jacqui put her phone back in her pocket.
"I can't wait to see you in your wedding dress Jac! You'll be really beautiful in it I believe Takeda will ask you to marry him again" You giggling knowing how much he loves Jacqui dearly. She laughs with you.
"I hope so because I want a very good descent dress that my dad won't have a heart attack in paying, and something similar to what my mom wore" Said Jacqui, just as Cassie jump in on the conversation after eavesdropping you two.
"As long as my maid of honor dress isn't tacky I'm happy" She said; turning her attention back at Raiden's computer screen, Jacqui shook her head at her.
"Said's the one who was picky with her prom dress at senior year of High school" Jacqui mock while sipping her water while giving Cassie a slight glare while the young blonde made a face. Raiden gave a confuse look while you bit the inside of your cheek not to laugh at that comment.

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