Scenario 20: Weekend of Thoughts

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(A weeks later)

The 'click' of unlocking the front door after a hard and honestly rough day of work and it was very welcome to step into your home.
Walking in letting out a sigh then shut the door while locking it, finally relief that you didn't have to deal with the outside world anymore for the day.

"That.Was.Shitty" you said taking off your jacket then shoes, placing your bag/backpack/purse and lunch bag on the floor, unzipping a pocket and grabbing your phone and drag yourself into your room "I need to book vacation off sometime" once you reach your bed collapse on the soft surfaces and let out a another sigh.

The positive thing that tomorrow is a holiday off so you have to no work tomorrow, and even if they did call to ask you to come in, your answer is no because you been pulling double shift lately and you feel like reaching that limit. Plus tomorrow is also pay day!
Groaning you lift your phone to your face and see the time 4:45pm, you move yourself on your bed and place your phone on your bedside table then settle then sit up from your bed, untying/unclip/unwrap your hair and let it go down and be free then again lean back on the bed again.

"Just a small nap" You said to yourself while closing your eyes "I need one" your mind and body were telling you to rest after a hard day's work and getting ready for your weekend for yourself. Letting out a yawn as you relax and let sleep take you in.


Slowly blinking your eyes and look around your bedroom and set your sights on your curtain window.
Seeing there is still light but it's slowly turning a lighter blue, curious you reach over and grab your phone and look at the clock 8:45pm, your eyes widen slightly then count with your fingers when you remember the time when you fell asleep.

"I slept for nearly four hours?!" You talk to yourself then ponder "Either my period is coming or..." groaning you faceplanted your pillow "I'm that over tired".

Over fatigue is the worse, your body starts to shut down on your regardless of if you had rest before.
Your body temperature goes all over the place like your warm but cold at the same time and due to how overwork can affect your body you'll get sick easily.
While being nurse back in Special Forces you and your group tried to keep everyone alive while handing other patients needs.
But you grown overwork you had to tell Doctor Bellson about it and he'll give you time to rest and get some sleep but if you need more time, he'll write you a request to leave away from the base and come back when you were fully rested.
You push yourself off your bed and decide to take a long-needed bath and later shower, you grab your robe that is hanging from the back of your door, place it on your bed, taking off your everyday jewelry, placing it on your side-table and strip off your day clothes and underwear on the floor, grab your robe and wear it, and grab your phone.
Exiting your bedroom you open a small hallway closet and grab both a large and a small towel then shut it.
Turning on the bathroom light and enter.

Turning on the bathroom light and enter

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Walking to your sink and open the drawer to grab your face sheet mask/tube of clay mask on the counter.
Closing the door and taking off your robe and placing it behind the bathroom door, then placing the towels on the counters to.
Placing your phone on the small side table near your bath tub, you reach other and take the plug and plug it in the drain, reaching over the faucet and turn on the warm water.
Stepping in the tub then sit down, the warm water touching your skin made you relax and sigh with glee.
Letting the water fil up as you splash some on your body, you look around your bathroom and thought about lit up some candles sometime to gives a more relaxing atmosphere, it's feels nearly perfect.
Turning off the water when it was four inches to the edges of the tub then you relax.
You bite your lower lip wondering if you can do...'that', pull out your phone and listen to relaxing music and get lost within the warm of the water and of course destress from work.
Then you quickly shook your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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