Scenarios 5: Pet names and when he holds your hand

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Looking forward this weekend! Man this week was a long one

You type the message on your phone then press send it to Raiden, Cassie and Jacqui in a group chat text then place your phone down on the bed's night stand while going through your laundry to wash. Sorting out your clothes in colors, then whites among with your underwear and some that needed to be hanging dry after coming out of the wash then the darks. Plus getting it out of the way and you have clean clothes for days.
Grabbing your pile of color clothes and put them in your carried laundry basket then walked to your laundry and cleaning supple room; reminding yourself you were thankful you got yourself a single level house.
You put your load in the machine then adding your detergent, turn on the machine then goes back to your room with the basket and put in the next set to be wash and put it next to the washer.
You walked back into your room a 'beep' from your phone got your attention; reaching over and checking it to see the message; Cassie responds.

Usual time for pick up? I'm picking you since Dad is coming earlier on the base and Jacqui called and taking her vacation days.

Just as you were about to reply, Jacqui send you a message.

Cass is picking you up; I'm taking a few days to rest, wedding stress and work.

You text Jacqui first because you were a worried for her.

Yikes, are you okay? Get enough rest and don't push yourself.

I'm 50/50 right now, A break is want I need. Takeda is taking care of me right now. He's pestering me to get off my phone so I can take a nap.

You laugh and text back.

Kay, you get all the rest you need and tell Takeda I said hi.

You have his number but mostly he been teaching the new students at the Shirai Ryu clan while and you have text message him few times and him with you but he's been very busy with the wedding planning and teaching.
Before you could respond to Cassie, another message pop up and it's from Takeda.

I said 'Hi' back 8D

You chuckled and send him a smile emoji then replied to Cassie.

Yup usual time, give me ten minute heads up so I can get everything and locked up.

Yeah no problem, see ya tomorrow.

Putting down your phone again and continue doing your chores; vacuuming, sweeping the floors, washing the dishes and tidying up a bit because after you come home from your visit with Special Forces and your boyfriend, you can just relax and enjoy the day then the next day you can just go to work.
Four about an hour later and after putting your last wet dish on the dish rack to air dry; you hear your washing machine beep singling you it's done.
Walking back to the small laundry room; you unload the washer and put it in to the dryer and added fabric softer, turn it on and putting your next load in then also turn it on again.
Grabbing the basket again and walking back into your room for grabbing the last pile of clothes in to put in the dryer.
You decide to check your phone to see if there's any miss text message since you had the vacuum loud. To your amazement you see a text message from Raiden; an open it.

Yes...tomorrow...looking forward to it.

You can tell he's struggling with the phone keyboard since its different then a computer keyboard; but like you said when he called you, he'll get used to it in time.
Placing your phone back on the nightstand and continue doing your chores for the day.

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