Scenarios 2: Getting started.

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After a long discussing and ask what Raiden would want to do, everyone agrees to let him go back to Special Forces with Johnny and Cassie for some work training to help the now former thunder god to understand in his new life now.
The training would grew his skills in the work place regardless thou the two of them suggestion they should join them since he knew much about the realms they had yet to see.
Raiden understands from where they were talking about however he just wants a peaceful life with no fighting, but he's not giving up on training in combat as he now views is as well to stay in shape.
The Cages took him to their home which on one of Johnny's condos with a few extra bedrooms and let him settle in for a few days. Johnny even gave him some of his old clothes he doesn't wear anymore; he did ask Raiden which ones he wants while he went Cage's closet . Raiden pick the simple causal and dress shirts, long sleeves, sweat and black dress pants while the actor did help him with shoe size among with underwear and socks, just enough for weeks until he wants to buy some of his own.
Johnny ask Raiden want he wants to eat; anyway the former thunder god wants to chow down; Raiden wasn't sure what he should try even Johnny joked about 'And you are not consulting Liu Kang for this' with a laugh which Cassie join in. Raiden just ask for something simple for now so he won't be to overwhelmed with different tastes to try, so he ask for a simple salad and some fruit for now with water, Johnny suggested some alcohol drinks but Raiden kindly denied it for now.
When he enter S.F there were some doctors there to give him a medical exam to see his health and looking for allergies since well he needs to know and what he is in for while taking some blood testes among others; so far the doctors stated he's pretty fit and clear but still had a medical record for him, Cassie and Johnny settle him to his very own room, which you heard had area for small living space, a kitchenette, a bathroom with a shower and a bedroom. Small but simple.
For the past few weeks he works around the office where Cassie settles; For the first weeks she help him how things work and growing his organize skills he files her work papers, by time, day and year in order, putting a file she needs on her desk or putting away in the filing cabinet, give her coffee and even watering that two plants she has in her office, Raiden is slowly managing how to use a computer thou Cassie told you when she called you it'll take some time for him, you know being a centuries old former god, and Cassie also mention he's great on the office phone, very professional, thou there were times he didn't understand some things so he ask Cassie about them and she clarify it.
Raiden is always on time for his work, times were he goes to lunch and comes back and continue his tasks, he does ask Cassie what else to do even when he's finally ready to leave for the day. Cassie told him to come early and find a file she needs for new training exercise with new soldiers or tells him to take a day off and be lazy.
Raiden? Being lazy!? It's like asking a turtle NOT going into its shell when it was about to get attack; or demanding the most introverted person to explore most of the world on one of those days they don't want to socialize.
If the elder gods were still around he would still consult them, but now it's Liu Kang so he ask him about it.
Liu Kang told him to just relax he's mortal now so he doesn't need to worried for Earthrealm's safety and not have to worry for any outworlders wanting to take over Earthrealm since his wife; Kitana is queen and will see to it. On most of his days off he's either in the S.F Gym still practicing his skills and even still using a staff or in his room meditating.
When he found the library he borrow some of the books, checking out the literary classics he heard were very good and he reads hours on end until he realizes it's night time, eats his meal and has to go to bed for work the next following day. Raiden is setting in for almost a month and he's been picking up alot quickly then expected but you were happy for him.


It's the start of a weekend Cassie decides to ask you to come up to base since you haven't seen your now boyfriend in a while so she gave him that weekend off thou she didn't tell him you were coming since she wanted to surprise him.
Jacqui offer to drive you to the base and you had booked a day off from work, so you can go there later on at during the day when she came and pick you up. Cassie even said pack an overnight bag just in case you and Raiden want to send more time together.
About two hours into the drive both you and Jacqui were listening to the radio for music while she was having wedding stress and she was venting about the catering company she hired contacted her and cancel because for a weird reason most of the staff booked a holiday off on her wedding day, tried to get more workers on that day however they won't change their minds.
It worried to the point she has to find another caterer; you don't blame her for being worried about it since her wedding will be next year and she wants everything to be planned out good.
Jax and Kenshi were finding for new ones and hope someone would help them or the wedding has to be post-pone.
When she reaches a stop-light cross-walk; you give her sides hug to comfort her telling her everything will be alright.
Jacqui smile and appreciated your kindness and it did made her feel better.
Another hour went by as you two reach the new S.F Base; Jacqui pulled up to a toll-booth with a security guard looked talked to her in the window; the usual pleasantries like 'How are you?' 'Nice day' etc.
She swipe her I.D card which rise the yellow and black stripes block as Jacqui pulled into the base entrance parking.
She fined a parking spot, parked her car then turns the engine off. You and her get out of the car and walked into the entrance, and reach the front desk.
The receptionist was a middle age man with deep back hair with some grey showing within his hair line, wearing a simple dress shirt and pants ask you to fill in files stating that you are a guest here and you'll get a guest badge. It's letting the security and other military officers you are allow here and access the building and they won't kick you out.
You finish signing the papers, the nice receptionist gave you the guest badge; you hang it around your neck and bid the man a good day while Jacqui lead you to Cassie's office.
Once you reach the door you gently knock on the door; you hear a 'Come in' you opened the door to see her in her desk looking at some files when she looked up and notice you two and smile.
Cassie stood up from her desk and walked over to you and greeted you two.
She ask how was your week going and work, you sigh and rolled your eyes while saying to her 'Don't get me started on work' while she and Jacqui laugh.
Cassie looked at the clock on her wall and realizes its lunch time, Cassie will call and find Raiden first then you all can head to cafeteria Jacqui and you agreed.
The young blonde went to the phone, pick it up and dial a number which you guess it would be Raiden's room.
While she waiting for him to answer the phone, you glance around her office's walls to see some frames pictures on it.
You see her childhood photos, some with her and Jacqui to little kids, high school, college and military training, some pictures of her own S.F group you include, you did see some with Raiden in it with Johnny trying to get him to do goofy things thou he always fail.
Your sight landed on some of her and her mother; Sonya and finally landing on a wedding photo of her and Johnny; Sonya looking very beautiful in her V-neck sleeve-less floor length wedding dress with blue and green flowers while Johnny look handsome in his tuxedo with that goofy silly smile but he kept himself behave. A sad smile appeared on your face because how much you deeply miss Sonya; everyone did, but you knew Cassie and Johnny were the ones in most pain for the lost.
Sure the late general was a tough cookie, and she even push you to your limits however she still had a soft side every once in a while you see it, even when you push yourself way to hard; to the point where you didn't get enough sleep; she order you to go home and sleep which you did follow. All in all she was a great woman.
Cassie sighs and hangs up the phone.

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