Scenario 15: Nightmares and Late Night Chats

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Disclaimer: This was inspired by one of the early chapters of Lore Olympus from Webtoons.

Drinking the last of his tea as Raiden shut everything off for the day.
He stretch his limps then stood up from the office chair as he moans. He thought of what to do on the weekend since you were busy with your parents.
Of course he could go to gym to train and meditate, go to the library while returning some books he borrows and going to take out then read or walk outside for a while.
A quiet weekend? Who could ask for that.
Stacking up the pile of papers and put them in a folder. The door open and walked in Cassie; her pale blue eyed landed on Raiden.

"Good! You're here" she walked up to him, he looked at her.
"Is there something you need Cassandra?" Raiden ask as he close the folder.
"Nothing really" she took the folder from his desk and open it, read it "I'm here to tell you, we're having a movie night in the entertainment room".
"I see" he nodded as she close the folder.
"We'll also order pizza for everyone, along with other snacks and drinks" she smile at him "Wanna join?".
"I am not sure" He answer.
"Come on Raiden, It'll be fun! It's our way to say thank you to the soldiers for there hard work and training" She walk towards the filing cabinet and open it "it's like back in my training days with everyone".
"Is it really just one movie?" Raiden remark.
"Its not just one, we have five movies to watch" she added while closing the cabinet "And every movie night, we have themes; tonight is horror night" A weary look appears on Raiden's face which Cassie notice "Don't worry; some are not scary, they have more of a suspenseful feel to it" she walked up to him and place a comfort hand on his shoulder "You'll get pizza for dinner" cheered Cassie then look at Raiden for moment then hum "I have a feeling you would like Hawaiian" Raiden tilt his head to the side in confusion "Pineapple and ham pizza Raiden and you don't have to wait in line to get your dinner".

He ponders about it; as much he likes his 'stick to routine' as in leave Cassie office, grab dinner from the cafeteria, return to his room to change into his training clothes, go to the gym and train for thirty minutes then headed back to his room to eat then read the rest of the night before he goes to bed.
Finning his lips and thought why not, a change of plans for the evening wouldn't be bad.
Plus if he didn't the next time Johnny might drag him out of his room one of these days.

"I suppose it would be alright" He agrees.
"Good" cheered the young blonde "Meet at the entertainment room at Six thirty, me and Jacqui will get ordering pizzas going and set up the table".
"Do you need help?" Raiden offer.
"Nah we're fine" She smile at him "See you later tonight".

She turns her heel and exit the office, Raiden slump his shoulders, wondering if he made the right decision but it's to late to get out of it.


Around 5:50pm Raiden exit out of his room locking the door behind him and headed towards the entertainment room since it's on the other side of the building and it's not a long walk.
He reach two set of doors and open them then step him. The entertainment room is large enough to fit about fifty people in; on the left side there is wide screen TV screen with couple of couches and recliners around it among with a few side tables and coffee table in the middle. In the middle there were few stand up table games like foosball table, air hockey, ping pong, a pool table and on the right side are a few empty tables for card games like poker, blackjack and uno.
He turn his sight towards near the door on the left side and see folding picnic tables stood up with plastic cups, napkins, papers plates and different variety of drinks; thankfully for him there is water there.
Stepping in to the room he reach and grab himself a bottle of water just as Cassie and Jacqui enter with the pizzas and other food.
They both greeted Raiden and place it on the tables, Jacqui organize the food by potato chips, candy and veggie trays as Cassie place each boxes of pizzas in a row by each type; pepperoni, veggie, chicken, Hawaiian etc.
Once the girls finish setting up the table they also grab a drink, its 6:20pm as a few people enter the room and grabbing a paper plates and grab their pieces of pizza, or skip the pizza and get the snacks along with drinks.
Some just plop down on the couches and recliners some went to the empty tables and started grabbing some cards off the table or just exit the entertainment room after getting snacks.
Raiden decide to try the pizza and remember what Cassie said back in her office, he walked over to the Hawaiian, grab a paper plate and took one slice for a taste test then he grab pepperoni and walk to the recliner and stand down.
Cassie's looking through the movie horror listening while asking everyone which movie they want to see.
Some pick 'Candyman' to start so Cassie pick the movie and grab her food. Raiden took a bite of the Hawaiian and he liked it and took a few bites as the movie starts.
In the middle of the movie Raiden stood up and took another slice of Hawaiian and another drink of water and sat down to watch the rest.
When the movie ended Raiden finish his dinner for now and left the paper plate on his lap, Cassie ask again which movie is next meanwhile Jacqui sit down next to Raiden.

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