Scenarios 6: When he shows you his room.

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Having your day off from work laying on the couch watching TV to catch up on the newest episodes of the shows that caught your interest while eating your favorite snacks; having a lazy day while listening to the soft rain tapping on your windows and glass sliding door. You notice the weather is just crazy lately; hard rain late in the evening to sunshine in the morning to afternoon, again raining in the afternoon to the late evening then clear skies for the rest of the next day.
Only weekends there are more showers, which is good for your backyard.
You pause on the episode you were watching to take a quick bathroom break and stretch your legs and stood up and head towards your bathroom.
After doing your business you flush and wash your hands your phone suddenly rings. Cursing under your breath you quickly get the soaps off your hands and quickly dry them then exit your bathroom.

"Do people have sixth sense when they know I'm in the bathroom to call right now?!" You mutter to yourself, it's one of the few things you hate that happen. There were times you were going to the toilet or doing your business your phone rings resulting you to forcefully finish, quickly wash your hands or hold it until you're either check the caller ID to see who it is. Dashing back to the living room to your couch and grab your phone to see who calling. The ID shows your mom, wondering you answer it. "Hey mom" you said.
"Hey sweetie! How are you?" Your mom on the other line ask.
"I'm good you?" You ask sitting down on the couch drinking water.
"Very good! We are already for our vacation!" Your mom gleefully cheers. "Hey I wonder if its okay if I can use your mailing address?".
"Oh?" You raise an eye-brow in question.
"You see, I order a few items and their getting shipped soon and we won't be home, so can I use your mailing address to get them send and we'll pick them up when we come home" She explain.
"Sure no problem" You agreed. "How many are coming?"
"Just four, one gift ideas for (Family friend/Family member) wanted to treat their animals while the other three are for your dad and I" she explain.
"Mind if I take a peek inside in case the items are okay?" You ask, since there times you did inform your mom that the item needs to be send back because they were either broken or something go missing then you take it back to get another one or a refund.
"Yes please!" your mom agreed. "We're nearly packed and we already ask our neighbors to look after the house and get our mail" You nodded. "So what's new with you?".
"Nothing much, work is usual and I'm planning of ordering pizza tonight for dinner since its pay day" answer You while grabbing your favorite pizza menu and going for the usual. "Oh and...I have a new boyfriend" you said.
"Oh!! What his name and his job?" Your mom cheerfully spoke; you rolled your eyes while thinking 'Where we go again'.
"His name is Raiden and he's in the military doing work training" You answer honestly.

Your parents did know you use to work as a nurse in an army base after you left your schooling and medical training from four years.
What you didn't tell them is that Special Forces were defenders of realms and worlds in a never-ending war because Earthrealm is that shinny prize from fallen gods, conquerors and others who just want Earthrealm slaves or taking souls, you are pretty sure there is more to that but you rather not think about it.
Many soldiers lost their lives and monsters were attacking areas, you didn't believe it until you saw it with your own eyes. The early months when you enter in were 'interesting to say the least'. Plus if you did tell your parents about it; they either think you're joking or if they happen see that said monster, you'll be pulled out by them because they are worried about you. Thankfully Sonya explains what you were getting yourself into.
Your train of thought was broken when your mom was cooing on the phone.

"And how long you had been dating?" She asks, pretty much interested.
"Couple of months" you answer.
"I hope he's treating you well!" She added because your mom is very protective of you, which you rolled your eyes. You know she cares and you are grateful she is but you are an adult now.
"He is mom! Believe me he is" You reassure her. "And remember our deal mom?" You hear her sigh.

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