Scenario 19: When he gets Jealous

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Two weeks later

"Okay" Cassie looked around the large rectangle with note pads and pens among counting the chairs. Raiden is right behind her while holding files "Do we got everything?" She look back at her adult friend.
"Each table has note pads with pens" He stated.
"All files here and enough for everyone?" She asks again.
"Yes, there is extra copies incase there are more people attended" replied Raiden.
"Plenty of beverages and bake goods?" added Cassie while looking at the mini table with large metal container full of hot water; among with a coffee maker with a fresh pot of coffee, with paper coffee cups with creamers, sugars and stir sticks. Underneath the table is a large pack of water bottles. Another small table next to with box full of donuts, croissants, and a few sandwiches; with a pile of paper plates, napkins and box of plastic flatware.
"All ready to do service" Raiden said, relief filled the blonde woman while she looked around, trying to remember what else is needed.
"Anything else?" She asks.
"We have extra pens" Raiden added. She turns to look at Raiden.
"We do?" She questions while he nodded.
"Yes, because you mention the last time, none of them had bring their own pens and I took more so everyone should get one" He stated. Cassie blink at him then burst out laughing, which Raiden looked at her wondering as she took a deep breathe.
"Oh that just me ranting" Then she patted his arm "But really thank you for getting everything ready, Raiden".
"You are most welcome" nodded the white hair-man, placing all the files on the table then looked at the clock on the wall in the meeting room, Cassie followed his glaze and see the clock.
"Go on" She smile at him "You'll catch Jacqui and (Y/N) before they go then come back before the meeting starts".
"Thank you Cassandra, please excuse me" Raiden headed towards the door and exit while Cassie open the files and read her notes.


"Well their here" Jacqui stated while looking at the army jeeps and vans pulling in the distance.
"I take it Cassie is adding more soldiers or joining with others?" You ask, Jacqui shrugs.
"Probably" She sighs "I'll know about it however I can't join the meeting because Takeda and Grandmaster Hanzo needed my help at the clan about gadgets tech" Then she looks at you "Sucks that your date with Raiden is cut short".
"Hey at least it was heads up before I came here" you let out a laugh and patted her arm.
"Indeed" She chuckle "Got plans after I drop you off?" She ask.
"Well..." You click your tongue "I'm planning on buying a mini fridge for my kitchen" She looked at you.
"Your large fridge is getting full lately?" She ask, you shook your head.
"No, I like to organize and I can keep drinks in there, also for everyone to get" You reply, she nodded.

When the vehicles pulled into the parking lot; many suited men from different ranking step out and headed towards the building, along with a few soldiers walking by their side.
Looking at the row of men and women you wonder what Cassie was going to talk about with the meeting, but you'll ask later on.
Jacqui tap your shoulder then pulled your attention towards her.

"I'm going to get my car and pulled up, can you stay here?" She ask, you nodded.

She headed towards her car, you pulled out your phone and open your email and open new mails.
One of the mails had your phone bill, you open it and check; then go on to your banking app and pay it off for the month then exit it out.
You let out a yawn as you return your phone into your pocket then sigh.

"(Y/N)?" someone called you, you turn around see someone behind you.

A man about your age and pretty taller than you with short hair with stunning green eyes with a bit of stubble on his chin.
He grin at you while you raise your eyebrow at him while scanning him up and down.

"Yes?" You said hesitantly, his expression changes a little.
"Don't you remember me?" he stated "We were back when that freaky god took Cass's dad?".
"Really?" You ask, he nodded. You narrow your eyes trying to figure out who this man is then something clicked into your head "Didn't you have a handlebar moustache?" You ask, his eyes light up.
"Yes!" Then he laughs "Finally decide to get rid of it when I transfer after that weird time bitch we had to stop" he added "Also her robot army gave me a broken arm for a while" Suddenly you remember him, he was one of the few soldiers that survived the battle with Shinnok and Kronika.
"Tyson?!" You exclaim a smile forming on your lips, he nodded "Oh my god! I haven't see you since...since?" You try to piece together when the last time you last seen the old army friend, which he chuckle.
"When you left S.F" He added "It's good to see you again" He reach over and pat your shoulder.
"Last I heard you transfer to another base" You recalled, after you left some soldiers did left Special Forces as well for many reasons; some move to other army bases to extend their services, some left to return to families matters for the time being or like you; had enough and decide to stop, you look at the one of the Generals which you guess from another base and going to talk to Cassie "How it going then?" You ask.
"Nothing much same old, yourself?" He asks, you shrug.
"Same just living my life" You answer, "Just taking things at a time".
"Yeah" Tyson hum then smile "I'm almost getting a promotion to".
"That's great! I'm happy for you" You laugh, his eyes soften when looking at you.
"Are you back with the S.F?" Tyson stated, you shook your head.
"No, I'm not back. Just visiting Cassie, Mr. Cage and Jacqui" You said among your face showing a hint of pink "And someone else" You said remembering Raiden.

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