Scenario: 7 Under the Rain.

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"Come on Raiden" Johnny whine, Cassie pulled her eyes away from her computer and stare at her dad on the left side. "Just listen to what I have to say".
"No" Raiden firmly responds, Cassie darted her eyes back at the tall man looking through the file cabinet. "How many times do I have to tell you my answer" Her pale blue eyes darted back to her father who groan.
"Look! How about we go to a nearest bar for you and (Y/N)'s next date!" Johnny suggested, Cassie again darted her eyes back to Raiden, like watching a tennis match.
"As I told you before, I prefer quiet places; a bar is a rowdy place" Raiden closed the filing cabinet then walk to Cassie's desk and hand them over to her.
"Yes but not all! And some can be fun!" the actor said.
"Why are you trying to persuade me to go and take her to one?" Raiden raise an eye-brow.
"I thought a change a pace would be good for you" he gave Raiden a winning smile. "A little different atmosphere is good".
"I rather not Johnny Cage" Raiden decline crossing his arms.
"One day you will, bars can be fun, they have different theme activities and karaoke nights" He laughs. "Seeing drunken people singing is always a good show" Before Raiden could respond, the young blonde clear her throat, catching the two males attention.
"Raiden could you hand this to Colonel Blake please? I think he's still in his office" She handed a blue file him which he gladly accepts then exit the office, leaving the father and daughter alone. "Dad be honest" She ask "Why are you pushing him to go to a bar?".
"I'm thinking to he should at least try going to a bar, he needs to party more" Johnny exclaim, Cassie shook her head.
"You want him to loosen up, get drunk and do something that you won't let him live it down right" She didn't even have to ask because she knows her father all too well and his antics.

She remembers one of her dad's subtle celebrity's parties then afterwards some would go to an after party to get more drunk and party. What she remember is that her father will crash on the couch in the living room then when morning comes Sonya will see her past out husband sleeping and calmly walk to the kitchen to make herself a fresh pot of coffee and Cassie will come in an little later, while Sonya would grab the pots and pans and hand them over to her daughter when she's six years old and tell her 'Daddy wants to start a marching band, let's go to him and wake him up!' to her little kid mind back then thought it would be fun and when her and Sonya would walked up behind the couch and bang the metal kitchen ware to wake up Johnny which resulting him to fall down the couch.
Cassie laugh while Sonya told her to change her pajamas and go outside to play.
Now as an adult that was Sonya's way of telling her husband. 'Keep coming home like that this will be your wakeup call from now on' she felt bad because after that and knowing that her dad had a very bad hangover, he still pull his weight to play with his 'Private pumpkin' despite the worse headaches he got.
Johnny looks at his daughter and slowly tries to find an excuse but he sighs and pouted.

"Why do you have to call me out like that?" He side glare to her in a joking matter which she shook her head with smile.
"I am your daughter remember?" She returns his smile. He laughs and shook his head.
"Coffee?" ask Johnny while pointing at the coffee and tea table, she nodded. "Remember to text (Y/N) about the two week study section" he reminds his daughter while grabbing a cup and the coffee pot and pour.
"I'm going to do that in a moment after I type and send the emails out" explain Cassie while proof- reading the message then backspace to change a sentence in the message.
"When are we getting new recruits? Next month right?" He put two sugars and cream in the coffee.
"Yeah so I'll tell (Y/N) which weekend to come in" she sighs and rub her fore-head. "How did mom and Uncle Jax do this?" The stress was slowly getting the better of her, she learn quickly while working with her mom and Jax while handling the duties since she wants to follow in her mother's footsteps but it's one of those days where the stress is reaching its peek on her mind, her dad walked up to her and place her coffee down on her desk.
"Hard work, determination and stubbornness...that's mostly your mom" joke Johnny, Cassie laugh then took a slip of her coffee. "Now for my 'fatherly advice', after your done sending those emails and sending the text to (Y/N), just go to your room and relax; take a bath or sleep it off kiddo" He smile at her. Cassie returns his smile, feeling nostalgia when they had their talks when she needed advice.
"I'll consider it, thanks dad" Her smile brightly, a knock on the door echo, Cassie said 'Come in' Raiden walked in with different file in his hand. "Colonel Blake said 'Thank you for the file' and ask me to hand you over his own" He reach over and hand it to her, which she takes.
"Thanks Raiden" She place it on her desk.
"Is there anything else" ask Raiden putting his hands behind his back. The young blonde shook her head.
"Nah you're good, clock out a little early and enjoy the rest of the day" request Cassie while typing on her computer. Raiden looked confuse then look at the clock on the wall.
"Is it too early?" He ask, Johnny looked at him with bewildered look.
"Said's no one ever unless it's an emergency or half day holiday" joke Johnny. "I get it your pretty much a workaholic Raiden, but yea enjoy the early work hour off" reassure the actor while patting the tall man's shoulder.
"Beside you can get your dinner early now and not wait in the rush" Cassie pointed it out.

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