Scenario 13: When you have feelings for him.

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After exiting your work you headed to the bus stop, just in time as the bus pulled up, you climb in and tap your bus fare card and took a seat while putting your headphones on and play your music.
The bus drive was only fifteen minutes, seeing your stop you pulled the string to alert the bus driver of the upcoming stop, slowly the bus pulled to the side then haul as you stood up; thank the bus driver then walked out and headed to the grocery store.
Enter and grab a shopping basket then headed towards the food section of the store.
Walking down the soup aisle looking at which one you want to take and stock up a bit, you even grab a few cup of noodles to snack on when you don't want to make lunch for yourself while grabbing the items you need in your home and to make dinner. Even when the weather was getting a little warmer which remind you at a certain time you have to bring your two air conditioners out, one for your bedroom and the other one in the living room.
Just a few smaller items for the time being before you go shopping around your pay day.
Beside some food you grab some other essentials like a new toothbrush since the old one is wearing down, tooth paste, your favorite body wash, garbage bags and dish soap.
While looking at the different toothbrushes your phone started buzzing, you pull out your phone from you bag and look at it. It was a text message.

(Your friend):
So are we still happening this weekend?

You smile and type back the reply.

Yep, is (You other friend) still coming?

(Your friend):
Yea she/he still coming! Is three in the afternoon good?

Fine with me!

(Your Friend):
Good! We'll let you know when something changes.

You text back 'See ya then' then put your phone back in your pocket and continue your shopping.
You and your three friends decide to go out on the weekend to hang out downtown, walk around the park and later get dinner in one of the downtown's restaurants. You already text Raiden, Cassie and Jacqui ahead of time of your plans that weekend.
Getting everything you need you went to the checkout line/self-checkout, paid for your stuff and exit the store. Just in time to grab your bus.
About forty minutes later you arrived at your bus stop, you pulled on the string that 'ding' as the 'next stop' flash on.
The bus driver slowly turns closer to the edge of the sidewalk and stop, grabbing all your things you headed off the bus while saying thanks to the bus driver then got off the bus.
Another seven minutes went by as you reach your house, you dig into your bag/purse/backpack to grab your house key, put it in your door and unlock it.
Opening the door you quickly walk in, shut it and lock the door, walking into the kitchen you place your bag/purse/backpack and your shopping bags on your table, taking off your jacket and placing in behind the chair and start putting your shopping away then use on the soups you buy today, place it on the countertop then grab a pan among with a wooden spoon among with a can opener.
Opening the tin of soup, then either add water/milk to the soup then turn on the heat.
Turning on the oven to heat it up as you like to use (favorite side dish) as you started making your dinner.


Thirty-five minutes as you grab your meal and your drink, headed towards the living room to watch some shows.
Placing your dinner on the coffee table, reach over and grab the T.V Remove and turn it on.
You pull out your phone from your pocket and place it on coffee table, you were about to eat your dinner until your phone beep.
Curious you pause your show to check your phone, at times life can be ironic. You open text messages and saw it's your dad.

I'm going to return some recycling this weekend, got any cans, bottles, glass or any recyclables you need to get rid of?

You thought about while remembering you do have some that you need to get rid of so you text him back.

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