Chapter 20: Happy Birthday Boys!

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***February 6th, 3:46 am***


I woke up suddenly to a sharp pain in my lower belly. I was 9 months pregnant and full to the brim. CC woke up just as suddenly and sat up. The bed was wet.

"Are you all right Kaia? Is it time?" I nodded my head slowly and sat up. I grabbed my slippers and shoved my feet into them.

Christian was up and ready by the time I had gotten my coat. He grabbed the car keys and helped me down the stairs.

We got in, buckled up, and CC stepped on the gas pedal. Within 5 minutes we were in the emergency room. "My fiancée is pregnant and about to burst!" CC said, breathing heavily. A nurse got me a wheelchair, said something to the nurse's station nurses and took off down the hall. CC was close behind us, and when we got to the room I was given an IV and asked a few questions.

"How far along are you?" "I am 9 months. Can't you tell?" I gestured at my enormous belly.

"Any medical problems?" "Not that I can think of."

"Are you the father?" That one was directed at CC. "Yes, I am."

"Are you in pain?" "Yes! Very much so!"

"Rate the pain on a scale from one to ten?" "An 8."

"Do you want an epidural?" "Hell yes!"

5 minutes later I was almost pain free. In that while Christian had called everyone and they were on their way to the hospital.

"The doctor will be in shortly to check you."

The nurse left and more entered. After a few minutes the doctor came in and checked me. I had been having strong contractions for some length of time.

"Kaia, you're dilated 10 cm. Are you ready to have these babies?"

Those words were ones I thought I'd never hear. "Yes, I'm ready," I looked up at CC, grabbed his hand, and at that very moment Mikey, Jinxx, Sammi, Andy, Ashley, Juliet, Jake, and Ella all burst in. "DID IT HAPPEN YET?" I'm not sure who shouted because right then I had a very strong contraction and was told to push.

"Push, Kaia, push!" I heard multiple people saying that.

I did as I was told. "I see your baby's head! He has dark hair like his daddy!" The doctor yelled over the noise. I felt so accomplished at that moment and had another contraction. "One more and your baby will be out!" I pushed as much as I could and then I heard crying. "He's out! Would you like to cut the cord?" She asked CC. My heart beat out of my chest. He did cut the cord, but he came back to me when I felt more contractions. "Kaia, what's this beautiful baby boy's name?" I looked at Christian. "Eric Dillon Mora." We said in unison.

"Great! And you're crowning again! Push!" I pushed for a solid three minutes, probably killing CC's hand. "One more push!" I pushed for the last time and heard crying once again. Bronson Carter Mora was finally here. "Mikey, do you wanna cut the cord?" I asked. He looked at me and went over to cut it. When the boys were clean they were given to me. They're identical. And they definitely look like CC. I started crying happy tears as I kissed each of their little heads. "Christian, do you want to hold them?"

He looked at me and picked up Bronson first. They have my eyes and CC's nose. They're so beautiful. The look on his face when he picked Bronson up was indescribable. The amount of love and care I saw in gis eyes just made me feel warm inside. I'm glad he's the father of my babies.


They were born February 6th, Eric at 4:36am and Bronson at 4:39am. Eric weighed 4 pounds, 9 ounces, and Bronson weighed 5 pounds, 6 ounces. They both have icy blue eyes and black hair. They're so beautiful. It was love at first sight. I can't believe they're here.


I had to stay in the hospital for only a little while longer after that. The babies were healthy as could be! On the car ride home they slept. I looked over at CC and said: "This is the last time we'll have peace and quiet for a while." He just grinned, grabbed my hand, and said: "That's okay."


I couldn't wait until Christmas to release this XD

Well? Did you like it? I know I did. :) Should this be the end? Should I write more chapters or just make a sequel? YOUR CHOICE! Whichever one you guys comment the most by New Year's eve wins. And if I make a sequel give me title names! Thank you all so much for reading this and my other stories. It really means a lot. I remember back in May when I only had 20 or so fans! Thanks for sticking with me through this and helping me become a better writer. I love you all and bid you a "COMMENT, VOTE, READ, RECOMMEND AND ENJOY! <3"

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