Chapter 7: Doubts

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~~~~~~~~~~KAIA'S POV~~~~~~~~~

The last few weeks have gone by so fast. It's already the middle of June. My first ever boyfriend is Christian Coma of Black Veil Brides. I bet you're thinking "First EVER? She's never had a bf before?" Yep. But I've had two girlfriends. I'm bi, don't judge. But you know, I think I've found my soul mate. Age is just a number, and I'll soon be 18. When I turn eighteen I plan on adopting Hannah and moving somewhere my mom can't find us. Or maybe changing our names and appearances, or..... I don't know. Adoption seems like a big thing. I mean I already take care of Hannah, but I have no money, and I barely graduated. Kaia, stop worrying. You'll get worry lines and those aren't pretty. CC said he'll take care of us, but I'm not sure how. Oh, well. He's a rock star and I bet he just feels bad for us. No, he said he loves me. He wouldn't lie would he? I hope not! I love him with all my heart, and so does Hannah. But with Hannah, she loves everyone, so... But you get what I mean. I am very confuzzled at this point. Maybe one of you can help? Is it actual factual love? Is the fact that I'm questioning it make me a bad girlfriend? Myeehhh!! I'll ask him.

"Hey CC?"I yelled from outside his bhedroom door.

"Come in!" He yelled.

I opened his door and walked over to his bed.

"What's up?" He said kissing my cheek.

I just came right out with it. "Are we a burden on you? Did you just take us in because you felt sorry for us?"

"Kaia, no, of course not! Where'd you come up with that ridiculous idea?"

"It's just been going through my head, I'm sorry! I'm stupid! It's just, I love you so much, and I don't know what I'm gonna do in a couple of weeks. I don't make any money! I barely graduated high school! I don't want to go out on the streets! I'll never last! And Hannah! My God! CC, what will I do?" I sobbed.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. You are the best thing that ever happened to me! . I'll always be there for you, Kaia. You're the love of my life! I'll never let anything bad happen to you again OK?"He said and kissed me right on the mouth.

I sobbed into his chest for a while, and he patted my back. "I'm sorry CC. *sniffle* I love you," I said and kissed him.

"I love you too. Now come on, let's fix your make up," he laughed.

We went into the bathroom and he started fixing up my make up. He did it better than I could have!

"Thank you," I hugged him.

"You're welcome, love you!" He said.

"Love you too, now can we go out and do something?"

"Sure, what do you want to do?" he asked putting on his boots.

"Let's go to the boardwalk!" I yelled.



"Ooh! Look at the rollercoaster! CC can we go on it?" I begged.

"Ehh, OF COURSE! I'll race you there!" and he took off running.

I ran as fast as I could, but me being more than half a foot shorter than him worked out in his favor.

"Whoa dude, I get you're tall, but could you let me win once in a while?" I asked panting.

"Sorry babe, I forget that you're shorter than me sometimes," he said picking me up and kissing me.

"It's OK, as long as you promise we can go on every ride here!"

"Why wouldn't we? Haha!" CC laughed.

"I dunno! Come on, first seat is the best!" I say jumping down and getting in the seat.

"LET'S GO!!!!!!!" he yelled.


"Oh my god, that was SO FUN! NEXT ONE!" I yelled as we got off the coaster.

"Ok, get on my back, we'll run there," CC said and I got on his back.

"Wheeeeee!" I yelled as he ran to the next coaster.




"OK, Kaia I'm getting hungry, can we get some food?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting pretty hungry too. CHEESE FRIES!!" I yelled and ran towards the food stands.


"CC, I'm getting tired. Can we head home?"

"Sure babe. Come on," he says scooping me and my prizes into his arms.

"Awwe, I love you Christian!"

"I love you Kaia. Now let's go, you look tired,"

He carried me to the car and put my prizes in the back. I started drifting off and then I woke to sounds of metal scraping and people screaming. I looked over at CC and saw blood everywhere. There was a terrible pain in my arm. I looked down at my arm and half of it was missing. After that everything went dark.


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