Chapter 13: Kaia's Birthday

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**********July 5th**********

I woke up in our bed, smelling bacon, sausage, and toast. Then it hits me. I'm 18 now. I turn over to see CC with a platter that had bacon, sausage, toast, a card, orange juice, and a rose.

"Good morning and Happy Birthday Kaia," he said, kissing my forehead.

"Mornin' hun," I said, yawning.

"I made you breakfast again, your favorites!"

"Thank you! This is great," I said, taking a bite of toast.

"Only the best for the best girl," he said.

"When you're done, come downstairs. I have a surprise for you!" he said, leaping out of the room and down the stairs.

"Ughh," I groaned.

I started eating and then I read the card.

"Dear Kaia,

Today is one of the best days in your life, whether you think it is or not.

Happy 18th birthday!

Love, Christian"

"Awwe! How sweet!" I said to myself.

"Kaia! Are you done yet?" CC yelled from downstairs.

"NO, BUT I LOVE THE CARD!" I shouted back.

"I KNEW YOU WOULD!" he yelled again. "You should hurry up!"

"Fine!" I yelled, placing the platter on his side of the bed and getting up. I went to my closet and picked a BVB t-shirt with all of the guys faces on it, bright pink ripped skinny jeans, and bracelets. I pulled on my clothes, slipped on my bracelets, and hopped to the bathroom. I put on a thick line of eyeliner all around my eyes with a little wing in the outside corner, and put on bright red lipstick. I pulled out my straightener and started on my hair. 6 minutes later my hair was done. I raced downstairs and called out "CHRISTIAN, DONDE ESTA?" because I'm a bilingual motherfucker.

"En el cocina, chica!" he yelled. Damn him and his knowledge of room names in Spanish.

"Porque? Is my surprise in there?" I said, walking into the kitchen and looking for CC.

"Yes, I would think so little sister!" A voice said from behind me.

"MIKEY! YOU MADE IT!" I yelled, jumping on him.

"Yeah, I did! I couldn't miss your birthday! I'm sorry about missing Hannah's birthday, I couldn't come because my boss had me working all day. Ughh, what a bitch!" he said, ending the hug.

"Well, she'll be happy to see you today! I know I am!" I said, smiling really big.

"So, how's that baby?" Michael asked, sitting down at the island in the kitchen.

"Well, morning sickness sucks ass, dude! Don't ever get pregnant Mikey, okay?" I said, jokingly at first.

"Okay, I'll try!" he laughed.

"So, Kaia, that's not your only surprise! I have a bunch hidden all over the house! You have to find them!" CC said.

"Damn, dude I'm so super tired!" I layed across the island because I'm short enough to.

"Okay, okay. I'll give you one, but the rest you have to find!" CC said as he opened the fridge.

"You put a surprise in the refrigerator?" Mikey asked, jokingly. We all laughed.

"Of course! Where else do you keep makeup?" CC said, pulling out this giant makeup case from the fridge.

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