Chapter 4: New Home

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CC'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She looked so worried, I'd take care of her and her sister. I wanted her to know that. Even if I've only known her for a day, I think I'm in love with her. So I kissed her to let her know how I felt. Andy sat back wide-eyed as we pulled away.

"Oh, ok. I think I understa nd completely," Kaia said laying back in the hospital bed.

"Yeah, me too," Andy said getting up. "I'll see you later guys, bye!"

"Um, heh, sorry about that. I-I just want you to know that I'll do anything for you. I'll always be there, and um, heh, I don't know how to say this, but I think I'm in love with you," I manage to choke out.

She looks up at me with a smile that says "I believe you."


Later that day she was released. We drove over to her house with her to get her and her sister's stuff. Kaia used her key to get in and we followed behind her. ("We" being Andy and I) She led us up the stairs and into the first room at the top of the stairs.

"This is my room, Hannah's is next door," she said opening up some drawers and getting clothes out.

"Kaia, her door's locked," Andy yelled.

"Oh, here," she said handing me a key.

"Here Andy. Use this," I said really slow like I was talking to a 3 year old.

"Thanks chuppy," he said unlocking the door.

What I saw was a beautiful princess room. Pink walls, butterflies, crowns, trophies, and in the middle of the room was a queen sized bed (heh, their last name is Queen) with a rocking chair next to it, and a pretty little girl laying in the bed.

"Is dat you K-ai-a?" the little girl asked somewhat haltingly.

"Kaia is here, but my name is Andy," he said going over to kneel on the floor next to her bed.

"An-dee?" she asked.

"Yes, Hannah. Good," Andy said with a smile.

"An-dee, who i-is dat?" she said pointing at me.

"His name is CC. He is my friend, so don't be scared," Andy said motioning me over.

"Hi Hannah! I'm CC," I said kneeling next to Andy.

"CeeCee? Heh heh, m-my kitty name is CeeCee! He fluffy. See?" she pulls out a stuffed white and black kitty and hugs it.

"Ah, it's a mini me!" I say laughing.

"Yeah, now I g-got two kitties! Yay!" Hannah says, giggling.

"Hey, I can be a kitty too!" Andy said fake pouting.

"O-kay An-dee. You an CeeCee can be my thwee kitties!" Hannah said giggling.

"Yay!" Andy said genuinely happy.

"Hey guys," Kaia said appearing in the doorway with a duffle bag.

"K-AI-A!" Hannah yelled running up to Kaia.

"Hi buttercup!" Kaia said hugging her little sister.

"K-ai-a, where you g-going?" Hannah asked.

"Well Hannah, Mommy is going away for a while so we're going to stay with Andy and CC and their friends. See, they both play instruments in a band and their three friends will be staying with us too," Kaia said, sounding just like a mother. Her beautiful almost ice-blue eyes glistened when she looked at her little sister.

"Hannah, show Andy your suitcase and pack all the stuff you want to take to their house, we'll be there for a while," Kaia said motioning Hannah to her closet.

"Ooh, this is pretty," Andy said holding up a pink princess dress.


Her mom was arrested later that day, the charges being child abuse and an living in an unsafe environment for children. Since their dad was deceased and their brother was unable to take care of them, we became, (well, Jinxx and Sammi became) their foster parents.


"Whoa, nice house," Kaia said when she walked in.

"CeeCee, I like house, we stay he-or?" Hannah asked pulling on my shirt.

"Yeah Hannah, I'll show you your room! Follow me," I said walking up the stairs with the girls trailing behind me. The house has 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 3 floors.

"I wasn't sure if you'd like to share a room, so I just got two rooms ready. But if you want to sleep together I could get Jake or Ash to move another bed in," I stammered, rubbed my head and looked at the floor. Even a blind person could tell I'm nervous.

"Whoa, this room is great! Full bed? My own walk in closet? Whoa!" I heard from Kaia's room.

She walked across the hall to Hannah's room which we had painted pink just for her. It had a lot of butterflies. Just the way her room was before.

"Thank you CC. This is the best thing that's ever happened to us," she said coming over and hugging me.


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