Chapter 10: Pregnant

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*****JULY 3RD*****

"Kaia Queen?" I heard the nurse call my name and I got up, pulling CC up with me.

"Right here," I said, walking towards her.

"Please follow me," she said as she started off down a long hallway.

"Come on, let's go," CC whispered in my ear.

"Ok," I replied, starting down the hallway.

"Here's you room, the doctor will be in in a minute," she smiled, leaving.

"Well, that's the biggest lie ever told," I muttered.

"What was that?" CC asked.

"Nothing, just talking to myself."



"Hi Kaia, I'm Dr. Hoffman. What seems to be the problem here today?" a black woman in her early thirties asked.

"Well, I-uh-we think I might be pregnant."

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

"No, but I've gained some weight, been throwing up, and my tastes have changed.," I said, rubbing my temple.

"Well, let's get you an ultrasound, hold on a moment," she said, stepping out of the room.

"Wait, you threw up again?" CC asked.

"Yeah, this morning."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, whatever happens I want you to know that I'll always be here for you. If you really are pregnant, that's great! I'll support any and all of your decisions," he said into my hair.

"Thanks baby, I love you so much!" I said as I kissed him.

Right then the doctor came back in. "Kaia, you and your boyfriend can come with me. I'll show you to the room where ultrasounds are performed."

"OK," we said as we followed Dr. Hoffman down the hallway.

"Here's the room, Freida the ultasound technician is already in there. Good luck," she said, going back the way we came.

I opened the door to see a younger woman in probably her late 20's, waiting for us. "Hi! I'm Frieda and I'll be performing your ultrasound today. Do you know how far along the baby is?"

"Um, no. That's what we're here to see," I said.

"Oh, okay. Hop up on this table here and lay back."

"Now if you're okay with it, could you please pull up your shirt? I need to get the correct area."

I did as told, and felt her put some gel on my stomach.

"Ok, so now I'm going to take a look. Hmm.... let's see.... Well, it looks like you're about 5 weeks pregnant. In a month we'll be able to tell the sex of the baby. That is, if you want to keep it?"

I looked at CC and his eyes said "yes, I really want this."

"Yeah, of course we're keeping it."

"Okay, so let's clean you up here and then we'll go schedule your next appointment," Freida said.


"Okay, your appointment is set for August 1st at 3 pm. Thanks, see you then," the nurse who took us to the first room said merrily.

"Okay, bye!" I called.

"Kaia," CC said, once we were at the car.


"I just want to let you know that I love you more than words can even express! When I'm around you, I calm down, and when I found out two days ago that you might even possibly be pregnant, I thought my heart was going to burst. If you'd let me, I want to give you the best birthday presents I can," he said, kneeling down on one knee.


"Will you marry me?"


BUM BUM BUUUUUUM! CLIFFHANGER! Vote if she should say yes, and comment if you like turtles.

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