Chapter 14: Baby Surpise

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~~~~~~~~~~AUGUST 1~~~~~~~~~~

I walked into the clinic with CC holding my hand, checked in and sat down. After 5 minutes a nurse called me back.

"Come on," CC whispered into my ear. I reluctantly got up and followed her; CC basically dragging me along.

"Okay let's get started!" she said, as I laid on the table.

Just then, Freida, the technician from last time, walked in. She did the same thing as last time and I just laid there. Once had started, I looked up at the screen. I couldn't tell what anything was, but I saw something a little odd and unusual.

"Um, Freida?" I said, confused.

"Yeah? Something wrong?"

"No, it's just that something looks weird," I said, pointing at the screen.

"Oh my, you're right!" she exclaimed, looking closer at the screen.

"Well, is it a bad thing?" CC asked as he gripped my hand.

"No, not at all! It's a wonderful thing!" she grinned.

"Well, what is it?" I asked, obviously pissed that she wouldn't tell us.

"You're going to have twins!" I looked at her with an "Are you fucking me?" kind of look.

"Oh my God! That's great!" CC said.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"No, everything is perfect," I beamed, looking up at CC.

"Alright. Now if you want to know the sexes of the babies, I can tell you. "

"CC, do you want to know?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do," he said, squeezing my hand.

"Alright, well hmm, ooh! You're gonna be having two boys!" Freida said.

"Yay, we're gonna have two little mini me's!" CC said, beaming.

"Yeah," I said, dazed.

"Well, we're all done here. Go on out to the front desk and schedule your next appointment," Freida said, cleaning me up.

"Thank you!" I said, hugging her.

"Heh, you're welcome. Alright. Bye!" she laughed.

"This is amazing! We're gonna have two little boys!" I squealed.

"Yeah! Two little mini CC's that I can teach to rock!" He then proceeded to play air guitar and air drums. I laughed.

"Hi, we're here to schedule our next appointment," I said as we walked up to the desk.

"Okay. Kaia Queen?" the nurse asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"Here's some papers and pamphlets on what to expect with a twin pregnancy. And let's see, how's the 29th at 2:00pm?" she asked, handing me a stack of papers and such.

I looked at CC. "That's fine," he answered.

"Allrighty, see you then," she said, handing me a card.

"Thanks, bye!" I called as we walked out to the car.

"This is great!" CC exclaimed.

"Yeah it is!" I said as I hugged him.

"I love you Kaia," he said into my hair.

"I love you too Christian, now let's go see the guys and Hannah!" I said, racing to the passenger side and getting in.



"Hey guys! We have some great news!" I yelled, opening the door to the BVB house.

"KAIA!" Hannah yelled, running down the stairs to hug me.

"Hey baby girl! I missed you! Now where's that tall, dark, dress wearing maniac that you have tea parties with?" I joked.

"Heh heh, he's upstairs, wan' me to go get 'im?" she asked.

"Yeah, and would you mind getting all of the other tall, dark, and scaries as well?" I giggled.

"O-kay!" she said, racing up the stairs. After three minutes of hearing all of there names called, they were all being pulled towards CC and myself.

"Hey guys!" Jinxx exclaimed as he came over to hug us. "How's it been?"

"Well, we have some great news!" CC said, starting to get jumpy.

"We're gonna have twins!" We both shouted. Seconds later we were all in a big group hug.

"Do you guys know their genders?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, we're gonna have two mini me's!" CC laughed.

"That's awesome!"



"Good luck!"

"Twins? Wa's that?" Hannah asked, confused.

"It means that there are two babies in my tummy," I said as I crouched down to her level and hugged her. "But just because I'll be having two little baby boys, doesn't mean that you won't be my baby girl anymore!"

"Oh, okay," she said.

"Well, we have to go. I plan to treat Kaia to dinner soon,"

"Alright, have a good time!" Andy said, in a new orange dress.

"Love you guys! Bye!" I said as I hugged each and every one of them.

"Nice dress," I whispered to Andy.

"Thanks! I got it specially made!"

"Of course you did," CC laughed.

"Okay, bye everyone!" I said as we made our way back to the car.


Sorry this took so long to update. Hope you enjoyed! COMMENT, VOTE & ENJOY!

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