Chapter 11: She Said Yes!

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"Kaia," CC said, once we were at the car.


"I just want to let you know that I love you more than words can even express! When I'm around you, I calm down, and when I found out two days ago that you might even possibly be pregnant, I thought my heart was going to burst. If you'd let me, I want to give you the best birthday presents I can," he said, kneeling down on one knee.


"Will you marry me?"

"YES! OF COURSE!" I shrieked, hugging him.

"Gimme your hand."

"Here," I said, holding out my hand. He slipped this beautiful 24 carrat diamond ring on my ring finger.

"Oh my god! It's beautiful Christian! I love you! Thank you so much! This is the best present ever!" I said, kissing him.

"I love you so much, thank you for making me the happiest man in the world," he said, picking me up bridal-style and placing me in my seat and driving home.

"HEY GUYS, WE'RE HOME!" I yelled.

"Hey Kaia, how'd it go?" Jinxx asked, coming over to us.

"Well, I'm five weeks pregnant. We made an appointment for the first of next month, and they gave me some vitamins to take. But Jinxx, go get everyone. We have a surprise."


"JUST GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Jinxx yelled back.

Soon, 4 bodies shuffled down the stairs and sat down.

"Guys, we have something to tell you," I said, looking at CC.

"WE'RE ENGAGED!" We shouted as I held up my left hand.

"Oh, my god!"


"Kaia, wha's that me'an?" Hannah asked.

"It means that CC and I will be getting married," I explained.

"Oh, yay!"

"And, I'm pregnant!"

"Really?' Jake asked.

"Yeah, heheh," I said, blushing.

"What's pregnant?" Hannah asked.

"It means that she's gonna have a little baby soon," Andy explained simply.

"Yep, that's right," I said, smiling.

"Congratulations you guys!" Ashley yelled, hugging us.

"Thanks," I said shakily.

"Well, I'm pretty tired. I think I'm gonna go up to my room and nap," I said.

"Okay, see you later," Andy said, waving goodbye.

I walked up to my room slowly, taking in all that's happened in the past 72 hours. I get a party, a baby, and the greatest man in the world. I just can't tell you how great this is. I laid on my bed, just thinking about my life. A few months ago I was just a depressed senior, being abused by my mother, and having to take care of my little sister by myself. Now I have five guys, Christian, Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, and Jake, and 3 amazing girls, Sammi, Ella, and Juliet to help me. I can't imagine what would've happened to me if CC hadn't found me when he did. I'd probably be dead right now. Oh, he can't understand how much I love him. He's my saviour. I fell asleep after 4 minutes of thinking like that. Next thing I know, I'm being woken up by someone with a deep voice and big blue eyes. It was Andy, telling me that dinner is ready.

"Kaia, dinner's ready. We're having pink elephants with turtle sauce," he said.

"Why can't we have red giraffes with monkey sauce?" I asked jokingly.

"Because the mighty Janxx isn't a giraffe hunter. He only hunts pink elephants. Sorry," he laughed.

"Ugh, fine!" I said, getting up and walking to my door. "Come on, I want a good piece of elephant. Last time we had elephant with turtle sauce I got a foot."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Andy said, getting up and following me downstairs.

When I got downstairs, everyone was sitting at the table already.

"Hey, why's everyone just sitting around?" I asked.

"Because of your early birthday present," CC said, smile spreading across his face.

"What? What is it?" I asked, confused.

I was then blindfolded by Andy, and taken out to CC's car.

"What the fuck, guys?" I exclaimed.

"Shh, I'm taking you to your present," CC said, starting the car.

"Ugh, fine. Can I at least take the blindfold off?" I asked, annoyed.


"Fine! Gosh!" I sunk back into my seat, annoyed.

5 minutes later the car stopped.

"Can I take the blindfold off now?"

"Yes. We're here," CC said, getting out of the car.

I took of my blindfold and saw we were at someone's house.

"Whose house is this CC?" I asked, getting out of the car.

"It's ours," he said, smiling a huge-ass smile.

"O-Ours?" I asked, completely shocked.

"100 percent ours. Just like the BVB house. In almost every way except no annoying interruptions like Andy or Ashley. Heh, come on," he said, leading me inside.

"Whoa, dude," I said as I stepped inside. The whole place was painted purple and black, my two favorite colors, and the furniture was matching. BVB posters were hung all around the living room, den, and kitchen. Upstairs in every room there's a BVB symbol on the ceiling in black, while the rooms vary in color from purple to red to green and dark blue.

"CC, how'd you do all of this? When did you do all of this?"

"When I first noticed how much I love you, I bought a house. It was going to be a wedding present, but I think you need a little break from the guys for a while right now," he said, leading me back downstairs and sitting us on the couch.

"Wait, a wedding present? But you only proposed today!' I said.

"I was planning on asking you to marry me on your birthday, but I couldn't wait that long. I saw how you looked in the ultrasound room, and I just broke down inside. You're the best thing to happen to me since I joined Black Veil Brides, and I couldn't wait any longer. I love you," he smiled and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I love you more," I said, hugging him tight.

"Oh no you don't! I love you most!" he said, kissing my nose.

"LIES!" I shouted, punching him playfully in the arm.

"I DON'T LIE WHEN IT COMES TO YOU!" he yelled in a hero voice. It made me laugh and fall back on the couch.

"Awwwe! Mwah!" I sat up and kissed him.

"So, can I have some food? I really want orange chicken and brown rice right now," I said as I snuggled into his side.

"Okay, I'll order," CC sighed and kissed my forehead.


She said yes! Omg! And then, she gets a house & a fiance? And a baby on the way to boot? Man her life has a lot going on. COMMENT WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT! VOTE! IF I GET 6 VOTES AND 6 COMMENTS, YOU WILL GET A THREE PAGE LONG CHAPTER! <3

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