Chapter 2: How I Got There

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KAIA'S POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My mom got drunk again and started ranting about how she wanted normal kids. My older brother Michael who is 19, is gay, my younger sister Hannah who is 9, has Down Syndrome and I'm depressed. It's the only family I know. I've gotten used to the insults, and I usually sit with Hannah and read to her when Mom gets like this.


If I don't go it'll be worse.

"I'll be right back Hannah, try to sleep," I say.

"O-kay K-eye-a," she said closing her eyes.

I opened her door and slipped out quietly. I could hear my mom cussing us out under her breath.

"Fucking retard, fucking faggot, fucking emo bitch," I hear about four times before I reached her chair.

"Bitch, turn around," she said. She's gonna beat me!

I did as told, not wanting more than I get every night.

20 minutes and a ripped upback later a hobbled upstairs to check on Hannah. Asleep, good. I went straight out the door downstairs, after locking Hannah's door and taking the only key so my mom couldn't get to her. I ran as fast as I could, as far as I could in the cold rain, until I had to stop. I just slumped down on the ground and pulled out my razor. I cut, one for Hannah's pain, one for the bastard dad I never knew, one for the names she calls us, one for the pain she's caused me. The last one was really deep, I felt the world spinning around me and I blacked out.




I was just taking a walk to clear my mind when I saw a girl lying on the ground. I shook her, trying to wake her up. It didn't work. I then noticed her arm was bleeding an awful lot. She had a few gashes in her arm, and they were pretty bad. I took my shirt, ripped it, and wrapped it around her arm. I picked her up and ran to the tour bus and opened the door. All the boys were staring at me open mouthed.

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