"Can I go and see Minhyuk oppa?" Hyejin asked as they were having breakfast but soon everyone stopped eating and turned to Taeyong who sighed "Hyejin we all know that you aren't ready to see him" Taeyong said finishing his breakfast. 

Hyejin couldn't understand why she couldn't see her oldest brother. Since it was her fault that he was in a coma she wanted to see him but she couldn't. Sighing she went to her room to rest it's been a week since Hyejin got all her memories back and a week since they banned her from going outside nor going to a mission ever again. 

They just wanted the best for their sister. She was about to watch a movie when she heard a knock on her door she told the person to come in "Hey let's go outside don't worry about Taeyong hyung I asked permission from him" Hyejin's eyes lit up when Yangyang said it

Both of them went to Yangyang's car and drove to a park. They both walked around a park until they saw a bench near the lake. Yangyang froze when he felt a weight on his shoulder but soon relaxed "If I can't visit Minhyuk oppa how about I visit uncle Jo?" Hyejin asked admiring the lake but other than that she admired the happy family in front of her

"Taeyong hyung will kill me if he finds out" he said playing with her hair "But he doesn't have to find out you know?" sighing Yangyang said he can't risk his life they stayed there for a while admiring whatever was around them

"I kind of feel cold" Yangyang raised his eyebrows then realized the girl was only wearing a sleeved shirt he sighed and took off his jacket "What would you do without me" Hyejin just sheepishly smiled and thanked him for giving his jacket

They walked around the park for a while looking for something fun to do. There weren't many people just a few. But there were many happy family it made them wonder when they'll have their own families and come to the park. The male looked around the place to find a stall that was selling churros "You want some churros?" she nodded her head happily and Yangyang went to buy her a churros 

"Let's go home" Hyejin said once she finished them and walked towards Yangyang's car with him following behind. They soon arrived at the mansion and were greeted by an amazing aroma so she quickly went to the kitchen to see Kun cooking her favorite food "Oh you guys are here? Go quickly get changed and wash your hands then come eat" Kun said 

Hyejin entered her room throwing her phone on the bed and changed her clothes in a flash and went to wash her hands. When she came out of the toilet she was greeted by Jisung smiling sadly "Hey what's wrong?" she asked shaking her hands to dry it "I was just gonna ask you if you wanted to play with us but your phone kept ringing then dinged many times so I may or may not have taken a peek at your phone only to find out you were dating someone"

Hyejin was confused "What does the text say?" she asked walking closer to him "Baby let's eat, haven't seen you in forever, come here, why aren't you picking up?" he read the texts loudly that's when it hit Hyejin so she went to take her phone from Jisung but he raised his hands so it was hard to reach she kept on jumping but she suddenly tripped over the plushie that Jisung gave her 

She tightly gripped on the male while closing her eyes waiting for her to fall on the floor with a loud thud but no instead she fell on something soft but felt something heavy on her

Jisung was shocked and his eyes but they both landed on Hyejin's bed Jisung towering her. She opened her eyes to see Jisung extremely close to her and she could feel his warm breath on her lips, Jisung leaned in capturing her lips Hyejin laid there frozen her brain trying to process what happened 

Then suddenly Hyejin's room burst open revealing someone impatient shouting "YAH HYEJIN LEE WHY -" the person suddenly stopped shouting once he noticed Jisung was hovering over her they suddenly pulled away not looking at the person in the room "What the fuck did I just witness" he said in pure confusion 

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