Jisung softly knocked on Hyejin's door 'Yes' he heard a voice saying so he went in "Do you wanna grab a night snack?" she nodded and got ready "Are we going on a midnight date?" she asked him wearing while her shoes

"If that's what you wanna think then sure" he said opening his car door for her "Don't you think that Jiyoon is kinda sus?" he chuckled agreeing with her they went to a convenience store 

"I don't know how long I am supposed to keep the act up I would have already killed him if his teammates and sister wouldn't stick around" both of them heard a familiar voice "I tried to become close with him but instead I got close to the bunny"

"What are you waiting for just take him on a date and kill him" an unfamiliar voice said, they both peeked at the people who were talking, and there they saw Jiyoon with a man drinking soju. She was about to go to them but Jisung grabbed her by her arm and shook his head

They quickly paid for it and went to a nearby park "She always seemed sus, why'd you stop me?" she angrily yelled at Jisung "It's not the right time but now we know her intention" he calmed her down

"Wait does that mean Doyoung oppa and Jiyoon aren't dating?" he hated to admit it but he nodded his head

Hyejin then happily ate her snack. He was sad at the fact that he was going to lose Hyejin to Doyoung but then again seeing her happy was enough. He wasn't like Haechan, he wasn't that greedy

But that also doesn't mean he's gonna give up "Hyejin" she hummed looking at him. He took a deep breath and leaned closer to her, Hyejin was frozen on her spot not knowing what to do. They both closed their eyes as they felt their warm lips pressing against each other. The world seemed to stop as they shared a kiss underneath the moonlight as the stars twinkled brightly

Their hearts were beating fast and loud until they heard someone cough, embarrassed they quickly pulled away "Sorry to interrupt but you guys can't be here after 10 pm" the guard reminded them and they quickly stood up cleaning their mess

They were awfully quiet on their way back home, both of them were a blushing mess "Where were you kids?" was the first thing they heard when they entered. Hyejin quickly ran away to hide all the embarrassment 

"W-we went out to e-eat snacks" he stuttered while answering. Ten could see the blush on his checks and noticed his swollen lips so he decided to tease the younger "Seems like you both ate each other " he smirked as the younger quickly shook his head and went to his room

What just happened? why did he kiss me? those questions were on her mind while recalling what happened earlier. She touched her lips and couldn't stop thinking about Jisung. Is she starting to like him after a kiss?

She wondered how long it takes for someone to like someone or fall in love shaking her head she decided to fall asleep. Closing her eyes she thought of Jisung and smiled going to sleep

The next morning she went downstairs to see Kun, Hendery, and Ten eating breakfast "Where are the rest? And that fox?" she asked getting a bowl and poured cereal in it "Taeyong and that fox went on a date? If that's what you'll call and the rest of them are training"

It's been so long since she last trained, should she also train? Quickly finishing her cereal she went to the basement to see them train

The room smelled bad, full of sweat and it was hot(ofc there are hot men in there) she took a seat next to Renjun "Are you going to train?" he asked she slowly shook her head "I'll probably die after doing nothing for a month" she answered

They both watched them train. Now all her attention was on the boxing ring, it was Haechan against Jisung

She saw them attack each other, throw some punches here and there both of them were really good at defending. She didn't want to watch any further so she went out of the basement finally breathing some fresh air

She heard a dog bark but it wasn't Bella since she doesn't bark so she turned around to see a cute little puppy "Oh my god you're so cute" she said lifting her up "Daegal" a familiar voice said, "Where did you get her?" she asked Chenle as he came with cute dog collar 

"She was on the streets when I found her so I took her in, don't worry she is my daughter now" he proudly said smiling. She chuckled and took Daegal away to feed her but Bella got jealous "Why are you ignoring my princess?" her best friend said coming from the basement with sweat covering him

He somehow looked hot "I'm just feeding Daegal I will pay attention to her so don't worry" she answered taking Bella from the ground "Now go shower you stink" she said and walked away with Bella

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