"Where's Hyejin?" the first thing Yangyang asked after waking up "She went out with some Yohan guy" her brother answered munching on the toast "Don't ya'll think it's weird that he's talking to Hyejin?" Renjun said taking a bite of the sandwich

"What do you mean?" Yangyang asked confused "He doesn't talk to anyone except Hyejin and he's usually with his two friends, he rejected many girls saying he wasn't interested in girls" Jeno answered.

Yangyang didn't know much about the school since he's new but if they say it's weird then there must be something going on, gasping loudly Haechan caught everyone's attention "Do you think he likes one of us and he's using Hyejin to get close to us?"

Shaking his head Renjun sighed, how is he friends with someone like this, but he may be correct since he always rejected the girls by telling them that he was interested in boys "I don't think so" was all they answered "Where's Shotaro tho?" Sungchan asked looking for his friend

"Yuta and Shotaro went to Japan this morning" their leader said, Sungchan felt betrayed how come his best friend did not tell him anything about going to Japan "Emergency meeting in Japan so don't feel betrayed" as if reading his mind Ten came to the living room with a huge popcorn

"Ten hyung wanna go practice?" Hendery shouted as he came to the living room Ten glared at him for ruining the moment "No, I'm busy watching a movie can't you see?" taking a hand full of the popcorn he threw them at Hendery

"Hey Ten wanna go to practice?" in an instant he got up smiling and answering a yes, Hendery felt hurt since Ten rejected his offer but when Johnny asked he got up, but then again what did he expect from the guy

"Yo, our school burned" Chenle happily shouted entering the living room, earning a look from Taeyong "What really?" they all sounded happy since they won't be going to school anymore "Yeah it's all over the news but we have online classes" Renjun said frowning

"Whoever burned the place, I love you" all of them were celebrating the moment "What the hell are they doing?" Doyoung asked disgustedly since they were throwing popcorns and chips everywhere and eating them shouting 

"Their school burned and they don't have to go to school so they are celebrating it" nodding he went to the kitchen to grab a drink. Noticing the little munchkin wasn't in the living room he then realized he hasn't seen her all-day

"If you're wondering where Hyejin is she went on a date" chocking on the juice he was drinking he coughed violently "Gee Doyoung-ah you were about to die" Taeil said handing him a tissue

He now wondered who her date was, should he be worried or should he be happy? Definitely not happy, how can he be happy when his sister is gone. Nodding he went to join the younger ones to watch the movie

All of them heard a car outside their home so they were certain that it was Hyejin and that Yohan boy "Geez I told this kid to be home by 8" Ten sighed getting ready to scold her but she was taking too long to come in so he decided to wait for her by the doorstep only to witness her hugging the boy

"No boyfriend till you're 20" he said and then they pulled away with the boy looking embarrassed and he quickly went away "Why are you late?" he asked crossing his arms and Hyejin looked away avoiding him

And Yangyang being the night in shining armor he went to them and greeted Hyejin with a hug "What took you so long, I didn't have anyone to listen to my raps" he fake cried pulling Hyejin "Yangyang not now" Ten glared at him making Yangyang gulp

Yangyang mouthed 'I'm sorry I can't save you this time' and went away "I'm sorry, but hey I'm here now safe and sound" she tried to lift the mood but it didn't work. She then hugged him hoping it would make him calm, which did

"Next time don't be late if you're going out with someone that isn't in the gang" nodding her head she pecked his cheek and made her way to her room

After washing up she looked through her phone to see that they were having an online class thanks to that one dude who burned the school, there's still an investigation going on

"Hey what's up" her best friend said entering the room with Bella "Nothin" she answered taking Bella from his hold and kissed her "How was your date?" she told him how her date went and it honestly shocked Yangyang since he thought the senior was into males

"Is he bi?" he asked mouth agape making her frown, she didn't understand the question so she shrugged "I don't know man I'm tired let's sleep" she said turning off her lamp and going under her blanket with Bella

Her bed may be small but it was enough for Yangyang to fit, so they slept with Bella between them 

Once she woke up she had to go to her online class, so she quickly got up and ate her breakfast while asking Doyoung for one of his laptops. The living room was a mess when she entered Ten was walking around shirtless which wasn't new and Kun chasing Yangyang around with a spatula which definitely was something new

 "Is this how it is?" Haechan quietly asked scaring her, she shook her head and was about to say something when she heard her professor say something

"Ms. Hyejin please turn on your camera" her professor said "I'm sorry I can't" she answered hoping the teacher would understand her "And why is that" looking around the room she sighed before answering 

"Because at school you don't have shirtless Ten running around and Kun trying to kill my best friend with a spatula" she answered making them laugh, the teacher told her it would be fine if she doesn't turn the camera on

Damn 1k🥰

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