Haechan went to Doyoung's office to bug him since he was bored "Go bug someone else I'm busy" the older said typing on his computer "Do you have your phone with you?" the younger said 'no' so the older threw his phone to him 

"Call Johnny and tell him to come home early" Haechan nodded unlocking his phone and calling Johnny "Where is he tho?" the older shrugged "Probably out on a date with Ten"

'Hyung Doyoung told you to come home early' and he hung up, Doyoung's home screen caught his attention "Why is your home screen Hyejin sleeping and hugging an avocado plushie?" the younger's question made him stiffen

"Don't tell me you like her" is Doyoung starting to like Hyejin? Does that mean he has a competitor "What if I do? Plus she looked cute so I took a photo" he answered going back to typing

Haechan nodded and handed him his phone and went to the living room to see Hyejin and Taeil close to each other and crying over a movie, could Taeil also like her? shrugging it off he took a seat on the couch

Yangyang woke up late since he stayed up all night playing with Lucas and Hendery so he went to eat something but he heard Hyejin and Ten talking something important, he heard that his friend likes his hyung 

It made his heartbreak, what did Doyoung have that he doesn't? When they moved back to Korea he thought he finally had a chance with her but was it wrong? After having a one-sided love for 5 years is this what he gets for not making a move

He lost his appetite so he walked away with a heavy heart on his way to his room he bumped into Johnny "Hey there you ok? You look a little down" the older asked concerned, he just smiled and told him he was okay and went away

Yangyang turned on his computer and played games to relieve his stress but whenever he played he lost "Ugh what is wrong with me" he groaned. Going downstairs to get himself a drink he saw Taeil and Hyejin watching a movie together 

"Hey Yangie" she greeted him but he wasn't in the mood so he answered coldly and didn't even bother to look at her, he noticed that Hyejin's mood dropped since she went away with a sad look, he kind of felt guilty but it is nothing compared to the pain he's been having the past 5 years

Going to the kitchen he saw Haechan drinking and he asked him if he wanted to drink he nodded and joined him, he drank a bit of the beer then he mixed it with a strong whiskey, drinking it he hope that the pain will go away even for a few hours

Just then the person he didn't want to see came to the room and even joined them for a drink then Hyejin came to the room trying to break the silence but since Yangyang was clearly ignoring her she took his drink and before he could even take it away from her she finished it

Doyoung had a wide eye and he quickly took Hyejin away making Yangyang burn more, not wanting to drink anymore he just went to sleep

Hyejin woke up with a headache, it was more painful than last time searching for water she went to the kitchen to see Doyoung cooking "Eo you woke up?" he asked "No I'm your hallucination" she answered he chuckled crouching down to her level he smiled at her his face few inches from hers

It made her blush feeling butterflies in her stomach he then ruffled her hair "You drank a strong alcohol yesterday here I made you hangover soup" he said handing her a soup, maybe this is the reason why she likes him since he is caring and sweet

Then Yangyang and Haechan came to the room "Here I also cooked hangover soup for you guys" Doyoung said taking out a bowl, they wanted to tell that they won't drink it but they needed to drink it for the sake of not making Hyejin suspect

Hyejin then gasped loudly remembering something and looked at Doyoung with wide eyes making them flinch "Please don't tell me I threw up on you" the last time she drank she heard that she threw up on Doyoung

Chuckling he shook his head making Hyejin sigh in relief, the oldest told them to wash the dishes after eating then he went to do his job. All of them finished eating and Yangyang was washing the dishes so using this chance she back hugged him

"I don't know what I did wrong but please forgive me Yangie" she said cutely even though she hates it she knows that Yangyang will give in. 

Hyejin back hugging him and  talking to him cutely made his heart flutter, he quickly finished what he was doing and turned around to hug Hyejin "You did nothing wrong, I was just in a bad mood I'm sorry" he said hugging her tightly and resting his chin on top of her head

"Gee you kids making me feel single, anyways we have a meeting in 5 minutes" Jaehyun told them and went away, smiling up at him she hugged him once more and went to Taeyong's office

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