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After hours of sleep, he woke up the next day making his way towards the dining room he noticed Hyejin wasn't there "Where's Hyejin?" finishing on chewing Yuta looked around the room before remembering something

"She said she had things to do so she went out early in the morning" he said. She probably had some classes he thought, he decided to go out to a phone store. He entered the store and looked through many different types of phones, then the worker came to him

"I'd like to buy this phone" he said then the worker nodded going to get what he asked for, walking around he saw an adorable case with food prints on it, taking it he went to the register to pay

On his way to the car, he saw a bakery across the road so he went there and bought macarons for her, he tried his best to buy Hyejin's favorite things to make her forgive him. Coming home with all the shopping bags he immediately took them to her room and wrote a small note

Hyejin was in the school cafeteria with her project partner and seatmate Yohan "Now I think we're done" he said smiling and Hyejin stretched her arms, they were now walking towards the lecture hall together for their next lecture when someone came to Hyejin and slapped her making everyone gasp around them

She held her cheeks and looked at the person who hit her and it was Kang Mirae "Can you see this? This is the fucking scar you gave me. You ruined my perfect face" she angrily yelled pushing her to the ground and Mirae got on top of her beating her up

Yohan pushed Mirae and helped Hyejin get up "Are you ok" she nodded and then Yohan glared at the girl. He took her hand and led her to the infirmary "Girl you gotta learn to fight back" sighing she just nodded her head

Both of them decided to ditch the class and wandered around the school, Yohan said that he'll bring both of them a drink so he went to the vending machine. Reading her book she was waiting for him by the bench and someone stood in front of her "What took you so lon-" she was met with a stranger

The stranger smiled at her and asked her a favor "Can you please help me carry these books" she smiled at her since Hyejin was a nice person she nodded her head and followed the girl

The girl handed her few books and told her to go downstairs, she nodded her head and walked towards the stairs only to be pushed. She then rolled down the stairs "You think you can humiliate Mirae just like that" she said smirking and walking away

Hyejin had a difficult time getting up she was feeling a lot of pain, there was no one she could ask for help. Then the girl who pushed her off appeared with Mirae opening a can of beer both of them spilled it on top of her and started filming her "Drinking underage and during school hours such a shame"

"Told you to stay away from Jisung and Chenle" Mirae said kicking her before walking away with who she assumed Biyu. Hyejin wanted to cry the pain she felt was too much for her, Yohan then ran around looking for Hyejin.

There he saw a Hyejin in a vulnerable state crying, he quickly threw the drinks, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around Hyejin, he lifted her up he went out of the campus "Tell me your direction" she entered her address in the GPS and Yohan started the engine

Arriving at her doorstep Yohan knocked on the door "Who tf are yo-" Doyoung looked annoyed when he saw Hyejin he immediately took her from him and shouted for Taeil, Johnny and Yuta came out of the kitchen and frowned

"What the hell happened to her?" all of them glared at Yohan "H-he did nothing" she answered hugging Doyoung tightly, Taeil examined her legs and sighed "It's broken" he then took her to the clinic and cast her leg

Meanwhile, the other 3 were in the living room with Yohan facing them "Tell us what happened?" Yuta asked scaring Yohan, he quickly explained what happened "Ok thank you for bringing Hyejin home" Doyoung stood up and guided Yohan to the door

"Johnny can you bring her to her room" Taeil asked as they both walked out of the clinic, Johnny nodded carrying Hyejin to her room "I'll call someone to help you take a shower" with that he left the room

Turning around on her bed she found a bag she opened it to see a note and a phone with a cute case, opening it she set up her phone and put on the case. She smiled happily since she has a phone but that turned to a frown when she opened her email

Then someone came to her room, it was her aunt Irene she softly smiled at her. Irene helped Hyejin take shower and changed her bedsheets "Next time when this happens tell unnie ok? I'll kick their asses off"

She nodded and they went downstairs and saw Taeyong sitting on the sofa looking at her shaking her head "Hyejin why don't you fight back with them? What was the point of learning taekwondo?" Irene patted her then signaled not to scold me

Johnny connected his computer to the big screen and it was the mail from the school 'Dear parents we know that your children are in college but that doesn't mean we'll treat them like one, they're still young so I'd like you guys to come to the parental meeting on Monday'

Nodding their heads they were partnered and chose their kids. It's going to be a long day Hyejin thought

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