"She really is Taeyong's daughter" said Taeil coming out of the clinic with a paper in his hand. Some of them were happy and some of them were shocked while Hyejin looked betrayed. "What are we going to do with Jiyoon?" 

Taeyong looked at his sister then at his teammates "We're keeping her with that guy" pointing to the unknown man "We can keep Eunbin but why Jiyoon?" she asked getting up furiously "Because she raised Eunbin and is basically the mother of the child"

"She tried to kill you" she yelled at him "And yet you're keeping her" all of them were keeping quiet while some of them left as they didn't want to see them fight. They've seen countless of fights and they even enjoy them but sibling fights? It's the worst especially when it's their leader and his sister

"If you don't like it then leave" Taeyong said getting tired of his sister's arrogance and bicker. Everyone was shocked by his response even Hyejin "Fine I will leave" she said taking her jacket and leaving the house 

Taeyong regretted saying that since he saw his sister leaving the place without any hesitation "I will leave with her" Yangyang said also taking his jacket with his car keys. Yangyang quickly got into his car and drove off to Hyejin

"Get in the car dumbass" he said shouting at Hyejin who was obviously cold due to the cold weather. She got in the car and he drove to the nearest hotel for the night. "You know you didn't have to fight him like that"

She scoffed at her friend as she couldn't believe that he was on Taeyong's side "I don't care man. I just wanna go back to China since we lived there peaceful without any worries or sibling fights or maybe without a bitch who would make us fight"

He chuckled as he continued on driving "It's fine I'm pretty sure you guys will make up soon". They arrived at the hotel and went in and paid for the hotel room "Since we'll stay here for one night let's just sleep together" he said arriving at their room

It was a spacious modern-looking room with one big bed and a small kitchen. "You hungry?" she nodded and yawned "I'll quickly go out and bring something to eat" she nodded laying down on the bed 

Yangyang went to the near convenience store and bought some snacks for both of them and he also bought a large t-shirt for her to wear and went to check out

"Here I brought some snacks" he said placing the bag on the table before taking out the shirt he bought for her and threw it to her "Go get changed" he said boiling water for the cup noodles. Hyejin quickly got changed and went outside

"Where do we go tomorrow?" Yangyang shrugged while pouring the water in the cup "We're gonna rent a house I guess" she just nodded opening the bag of chips. The two finished eating and jumped on the bed "This is more comfortable than the one I had in my room"

He chuckled and hugged her closer, snuggling his nose onto her neck tickling her "Why" she asked "Just wanted to hug you" he said his grip tight but not that tight to hurt her. She also hugged him snuggling closer to his chest 

Taeyong anxiously paced around the room, Jaehyun sighed seeing his friend this worried "Calm down she isn't a baby anymore we don't have to worry about her" he said trying to assure him that his sister was safe

"Jae she may not be a baby anymore but still in my eyes even if she's 50 years old she'll still be my baby" he said sighing and gripping his hair "He is with Yangyang Tae there is a reason why we call him the ace of WayV" Taeyong nodded at his friend's assurance "Now go to Eunbin you guys need some bonding time"  

"Come with me I'm not good with kids I always scare them off but they seem to like you" the younger chuckled and followed his friend to where Eunbin was "Just got a message from Yangyang" the mention of Yangyang's name made him stop on his tracks and pay close attention to it

"He said they are safely in a hotel and had dinner so no worries" he heard Ten saying. He sighed in relief and went upstairs to his daughter's room along with Jaehyun. They came into the room which had an aroma of lavender and peacefully sleeping girl

"Oh hey" Miyoo said coming out from the bathroom, she sent him a small smile which he returned back "Bonding time?" she asked to which he nodded "You can sleep beside her I'll sleep somewhere"

He shook his head "I'll take her to my room and you stay here" he said and walked closer to the sleeping girl, the baby slowly opened her eyes to see her father coming to her she happily ran to him and engulfed him in a hug "Goodnight" he said and walked out of the room with Jaehyun

They got to Taeyong's room and he gently placed Eunbin on the bed. She smiled at Jaehyun who was showing her his famous dimples "Papa" she said pointing at Jaehyun. Both of their eyes widened

"I-I'm not papa but he is" he said pointing to the older she then giggled and turned to her father "Dada" she said pointing at Taeyong "Papa and dada" she said and pointed at both of them making them get confused 

She then yawned with her tiny mouth which was a cute sight to the both of them, Jaehyun pointed at the pillow which made her nod her head and go under the cover. Soon she fell asleep "She has your nose you know" the younger said caressing her hair

"She does and she has her mother's beautiful smile" the older answered with tears in his eyes "It's fine everything's going to be fine soon, so for now go to sleep" he said and went out of the room

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