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Morning came and Hyejin groaned while waking up, the dream she had yesterday was something wants to forget, stretching and yawning she hit something or someone. Looking to her right side she remembered that she asked Jisung to stay with her, she just smiled and went to wash up.

Soon Jisung woke up and checked the time he groaned and rushed to his room to get changed. He had someone to meet, quickly making his way out he rushed to the place where he had to meet that person

"You're late" was the first thing he heard when he went to her, he rolled his eyes and scoffed "You better be thankful that I'm here" he said and ordered something to eat "So what is it that you want to say?" he asked sipping his water while she just smiled

"How about I tell you after we eat?" she smiled and he just nodded waiting for his food to arrive, the food then arrived making Jisung drool over it. She chuckled then started eating it, he cut his stake and chewed on it "Jisung-ah I like you" she said blushing and looking away

He just scoffed knowing that she had feelings for him but he didn't reply until he finished eating his breakfast "I like you so please don't talk to Hyejin, that new student I don't like her" she pleaded. He just scoffed and finished eating "I don't like you, and you won't tell me who to talk" he said and got up making his way out of the restaurant

She quickly followed him from behind and grabbed his arm making him stop and turn around "What is it Kang Mirai?" he asked clicking his tongue "Tell me what I lack? What is it that she has that's better than me?" he sighed in annoyance, he pulled his hand away from her "You know, you're just not my type and on top of that you're a bully so who would like you?"

And with that, he went to his car "Lee Hyejin I'll make sure to ruin your life" she said taking out her phone dialing someone "You can start it from tomorrow, if you take care of her quietly and fast I'll pay you double" she said and hung up, smirking she went to her car

Jisung was driving peacefully looking to his side enjoying the view, he then stopped when he saw a store that Hyejin mentioned not too long ago. He entered the shop looking for a specific product he wanted to buy, when he found it he paid for it and ran to his car

When he entered his home, it was awfully quiet shrugging he went to the kitchen to see Hyejin cooking various types of food with the chef, smiling he went to Hyejin and decided to scare her "Boo" Hyejin jumped and spilled the soup she was about to taste

The hot soup burned her hand and she hissed in pain, panicking Jisung quickly grabbed a towel damping it, and gently placed it on her burned area "I'm so sorry, are you ok?" Hyejin shook her head, it hurt a lot, Jisung could see the tears falling down

Soon Yuta came to the kitchen and saw Hyejin cry, he quickly rushed to them "What happened" he asked as he took her hand and took a look at it. He sighed and took her to the clinic and applied some cream "Next time when you cook be careful" she just nodded not wanting to get Jisung in trouble

When they got out everyone was in the dining room eating hangover soup some of them eating ramen. She took a seat next to Yangyang and started eating "Hey what happened to your hand?" worry was visible in his voice, she just shrugged and told him that it was nothing then continued on eating

One of the maids came to Hyejin and gave her a small box saying it was delivered for her so she just opened the box and screamed making everyone's attention to her. Furrowing his brows and frowning Taeyong went to his sister and saw a dead cat in the box with blood everywhere "There's a note" Taeil said taking the notes and it read 'You shouldn't have messed with me, now you're going to die just like this cat'

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