All of the kids who were born in 1999 and up went to karaoke "Since I'm going on a road trip tomorrow let's have fun today" she happily grabbed the book and chose the song she wanted to sing "You're acting as if you're going somewhere and not coming back" 

She glared at Haechan, she chose Amor Fati to sing since it's a bop. When the music started Lucas and Hendery hyped her up and started dancing, when the song ended she was out of breath and the next one to sing was Haechan

He had a wonderful  honey-like voice but what caught her attention was the song he chose "I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know, cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go, I know I needed you, but I never showed"

Jisung sensed that something was weird so he looked at his hyung and saw him looking at Hyejin while singing

'I'm so in love with you, and I hope you know darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold'

Haechan looked at Hyejin his eyes full of love and pain but she couldn't see it, he ended the song and Hyejin clapped her hand at how beautifully he sang 

Everyone sang until it was late "It was really nice, didn't know every one of you could sing well" all of them giggled even the karaoke owner was impressed by how good all of them sang "Now let's go eat ice cream"

"It's late and you have to prepare for tomorrow" Yangyang answered swinging his arms around her shoulder and pulling him close to her making Hyejin pout and nod 

"Where did the kids go?" Kun asked making the table "They went to karaoke" nodding he went back to the kitchen to bring the utensils 

"Taeyong-ah she woke up" the oldest member said making their leader stand up and rush to the clinic "Where am I?" the girl asked "You're in a hospital, now do you remember your name?" Taeil asked the girl softly

She nodded answering "Han Yoojin" making Taeyong widen his eyes, he couldn't believe that the girl he thought was dead, alive in front of him "Do you remember anything before getting into an accident?"

She shook her "Ok you should rest while I take a few tests" the girl nodded and went back to laying down "Hyung is it really her?" the older shrugged not really knowing anything, he wasn't sure if it was Han Yoojin or just a girl who looks the same and has the same name

"Taeyong-ah come and eat" Jaehyun told him but the leader just shook his head thinking about the girl, he was about to enter the clinic "Don't" Jaehyun said holding his wrist and stopping him "Jaehyun I need to go in, I have a lot of things to explain"

"What if she's just a girl who looks the same as her and has the same name? Just because they look the same doesn't mean it's her" he said angrily "I just have a feeling that it's her and alive, Jaehyun-ah please" the leader begged

Jaehyun hated to admit it but honestly, even from the start he never liked the girl. Han Jiyoon was the girl Taeyong fell in love with, she was just an ordinary girl who worked at a cafe as a part-timer that's how they first met

He was there with Jaemin to buy a coffee and saw the girl, after a few months of visiting that cafe he finally asked her out and started dating but the girl never knew his real identity, she didn't know that he was Asia's most powerful mafia gang leader

After knowing the truth she left him, and Taeyong was in pain he had a really hard time moving on so he decided to focus only on his job but just a year after he discovered that the girl he loved was dead

She got murdered in her apartment by their rival gang so instantly he attacked the gang and made sure every single one of them was dead

"Note that in the end, you're the one who's going to get hurt" the real Han Jiyoon was dead and Jaehyun knew that for sure since he saw the girl laying on her kitchen floor eyes open and dead with blood everywhere

He and Yuta went to see the girl and tried to fix things even if he didn't like her but he did it for his friend's happiness 

Taeyong sighed when Jaehyun walked away angry, he couldn't help himself since Han Jiyoon was the only girl who melted his cold heart

He was brought back to reality when his sister and Chenle's loud laugh echoed the whole place "Don't tell me she's drunk" Kun said holding his spatula and hands-on his hips while glaring at them "She didn't drink she had too many sweets" Xiaojun answered

"Take her to her room, I already packed her clothing so she's ready to go" nodding Jisung took Hyejin to her room gently placing her down on her bed "Goodnight bro" she giggled happily and went to sleep

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