Haechan walked to Doyoung's office and sat down on the sofa "Hyung remember the time you said that you liked Hyejin?" the older hummed "Well I was going to tell you this" he took a deep breath "We are dating" he said shamelessly 

Doyoung showed him a soft smile full of sadness "Congratulations" he said trying his best not to sound disappointed "And I'd appreciate it if you stop being close to her" he said and got out of the office

Jisung was on his way to inform Doyoung about the upcoming mission they have to go also to give the documents related to it but he heard Haechan and Doyoung talking about Hyejin "We are dating" when he heard it he couldn't believe it, he felt his heartbreak 

So he quickly left the scene and went to Hyejin's room to make it sure "Hey Sungie" she said when he entered her room. He sat down on her bed and looked at her dead serious "Are you dating someone?" he asked changing his facial expression to a teasing one

She frowned at him "No, who would I date?" she asked confused about his sudden question. He sighed in relief and answered her "Oh I thought you were dating Yohan" she shook her head and continued on doing whatever she was doing

"Ok everyone this mission is very important so we can't make any mistakes" the leader presented "There will be a party no more like fundraising, donation whatever you wanna call it but using this chance Golden Pheonix will import drugs, weapons, and many other things"

"Before they could do any of that we have to take them down kill them or send them to the police. So in this mission, Yangyang, Jisung, Chenle, Sungchan, Johnny, and Hyejin will participate"

"Yangyang will hack all the cameras while Chenle and Jisung will protect Hyejin and observe the crowd. Johhny and Sungchan already know what they should do" he said looking at them and then they both nodded he then looked at his sister with a serious look

"And you have to be careful of Hwang Wooseok the leader he is really good at seducing women, spider-like sense just like Johnny but he's a lot younger but somehow more experienced" Hyejin looked  a little bit confused "So what am I supposed to do again?"

"Seduce him but you can't fall in his trap" he warned "The rest will find the buyers take all the weapons and the drugs" they all nodded going out of the room one by one

All of them were preparing for the mission while Johnny chose Hyejin what she should wear "Try this one, everyone will like this" he said handing her a long sleeve rose gold dress and handed her a pair of rose gold heels

All of them got ready to go to the mission when Jiyoon spoke "Where are you guys going?" they all sighed forgetting that she was also there "No one's babysitting her just send her to Red Velvet" Hyejin said quickly going to the van

They all did as she told and hurried to the van. "Hyejin be careful ok" she nodded and went out with Johnny and Sungchan 

'Ok Hyejin go to the bar and sit there don't drink ok? So order cola or something' Yangyang said through the earpiece "Can I have coke?" she asked sitting down on the counter "Sorry ma'am but we don't serve anything else other than alcohol" the bartender said

She was about to complain when a deep voice interrupted her "Find her the coke" he said sitting next to her "Y-yes sir" the bartender stuttered and went away to find her a coke. She looked at her right side to find a fine-looking man

He seemed tall and had a deep voice but other than that he was extremely handsome "Hello my name is Wonwoo I'm the one who is organizing this party" the guy said extending his hand and she took his hand and shook it "I'm Xifeng" 

"I haven't seen you before" he said as the bartender gave her coke and gave him some weird yellow drink "I recently came back from China to stay here for a while" he nodded his head and drank the yellow drink "I gotta go now it was nice meeting you miss" he said and went away

'Gee who was that ugly guy' Yangyang said through the earpiece 'He is hot if he wasn't the bad guy I'd shoot my shot' she whispered to him making him feel jealous. Some guy then sat next to her and it was their target Wooseok.

Wooseok seemed to notice her, smirking he offered her a drink "I'm sorry I don't drink" she said "Would you like anything else?" she shook her head smiling at him playing hard to get "I am Wooseok" 

"I'm Xifeng" he nodded. "Would you like to dance with me" she took his hand and went to the dancing floor 'Hyejin keep him distracted for about thirty minutes, we'll finish everything by then'

"So tell me about your self Xifeng" he said spinning her around "I have a small business in China" she said and then continued on dancing 

Yangyang's eyes were burning with fire when he saw that Wooseok was touching her everywhere 'Guys hurry he's fucking touching her' he said and all of them hurried 

After a while, she received a signal saying that they were done. Wooseok also heard that his mission failed so he went to find the culprits 'Shit guys run from there there's a bomb' 

All of them panicked and ran away while Jisung was searching for Hyejin "Run Hyejin-ah" but she couldn't run since the heels she was wearing were painful so he quickly took her in a bridal style and ran out

Right after when they made it to the van the mansion exploded "Phew that was close" they said going back to their home

Hyejin noticed that Yangyang's arm was bleeding "Bruh what happened to your arm?" he quickly took his hand "It's nothing just a small cut"  he said hiding the fact that he fought with some people who were flirting with her

"Bitch this is not how a small cut looks like it is so deep" she took him to the clinic to wrap his arm while the rest of them were being treated by Kun, Jaehyun, Xiaojun, Hendery, and Taeil

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