Haechan who was there to witness it all sliced the man's neck who had shot Hyejin, the fight was over so everyone quickly made their way to Hyejin. Doyoung held the girl and kept telling her to stay awake. He took the girl and ran to the van where Jaehyun and Taeil were waiting 

"Hurry, quickly go to the headquarter, or else we might lose her" the oldest said while taking out a cloth and tried to stop the blood, the car speeding off while Doyoung sat there frustrated 'should have just let me get shot' he thought while holding the girl's hand

They arrived at the nearest headquarter and rushed the girl inside Hendery and Xiaojun were already there preparing for the surgery while the rest of the members waited outside of the room

It took hours and hours still no response from any of them, they were praying and hoping for the surgery to end well "It's all because of me if I was being careful about my surroundings none of this would have happened"  the boy sat there stressed ruffling his hair throwing the nearest object he could find

"Calm down Doyoung, Taeil hyung is known to be the best surgeon so you don't have to worry she wouldn't want you to stress over like this" Taeyong said trying to calm his friend down even though he too was scared that he might lose his sister but he had to stay strong for his members

Taeyong had once again broken the promise that he made to his parents, to protect his sister at all costs and avoid any dangers she'll face. Their parents gave up their life to protect Hyejin but he couldn't save his sister from the damn bullet

Finally, the surgeons came out "She is safe but we don't know when she'll wake up, it may take her days to wake up to even years" the oldest said remembering what had happened to Minhyuk. He too was shot in the exact same spot that Hyejin was shot but not that deep like Hyejin's and it took him five years to wake up

All of them were worried and Doyoung was the first one to leave, he couldn't handle the fact that it was his fault. If he hadn't been careless it wouldn't have happened

"C-can I go in?" Doyoung asked his voice broken and the oldest nodded moving to the side, he went in and saw the girl looking paler than ever. Sitting on the chair beside the bed he took her hand in his and caressed her face

"You should've just let me get shot why'd you even protect me" he said tears falling down "I am the one who's supposed to protect you not the other way around. We all made a promise to protect you no matter what"

He cried as he remembered the very first time he joined the gang, a cute little girl was running around the garden chasing butterfly, even though their age difference weren't that big she was still a baby in his eyes or maybe because he matured at an early age

She also was the first-ever friend he made, even though the girl doesn't even remember it. She would sneak delicious food for him and would ask her dad if he could come with her. And that's how he had feelings for her but he had to hide it because the only thing he must do is protect her

When she went to China after the accident he made sure to bury his feelings but it all came back when she came back "I hope you wake up soon"

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