She didn't know what to do after the confession so she just ran away and tried her best to stay away from him. What would happen if she rejects him? Will their friendship be over? She didn't want to think any of those and just went to bed

She thought about all the possibilities of them being friends again or won't ever talk again, she yawned and fell asleep.

The nightmares were back again, young Hyejin was crying for help she was tied in a chair and was scared. She cried calling for her mother and there was a man who was beating her. She woke up in sweats and panted hard

She went to the room where Yangyang was, she slowly opened the door and made her way to the bed. She quietly crawled next to him, trying her best not to wake him up but it was too late "Nightmare?" he asked with his raspy voice she nodded mumbling a small 'yes' before lying next to him

He hugged her to her sleep and played with her hair, after a few minutes he could hear soft snores, he smiled to himself and pecked on her forehead before going to sleep.

Hyejin opened her eyes feeling the sunlight she looked up to be met by her best friend extremely close to her. Her eyes widened since their noses were touching and their lips were just a few centimeters apart

Yangyang moved closer to her and that's when their lips were pressed into each other. Her eyes widened even more, she didn't know what to do "Y-Yangyang" she said and he hummed moving even closer

He then felt something soft on his lips and opened his eyes to be met with Hyejin's wide eyes and their closeness. He quickly moved away and fell from the bed with a loud thud "Oh my god are you ok?"

He quickly nodded "I'm sorry that was an accident" she nodded her head and helped him get up they then went downstairs to eat their breakfast "Did something happen? There was a loud thud upstairs" Irene asked serving them pancakes

"I fell from my bed" he answered before stuffing his mouth with a pancake, they all nodded. Soon Jisung came downstairs his hair messy and yawning, he looked like a lost baby and it was so cute. Everyone smiled at his cuteness, he then smiled at Hyejin

"What are we doing today?" Hyejin asked washing her dishes "We're going back to Seoul today. Do you wanna come with us?" she desperately nodded her head making Doyoung smile. She then went upstairs and packed all her clothes, she had a hard time carrying all the bags

Jisung saw her struggling and went to help her "Here let me carry them" she was happy that she didn't have to carry all those heavy bags. They all went to the car and blasted loud music singing their hearts out

Almost after driving for 5 hours, they reached home "Oh you guys are home?" the oldest asked while glancing at them before continuing on watching the drama. They all nodded going to their rooms, some of them taking a shower while some of them immediately went to bed

Jiyoon softly knocked on the door to Taeyong's office and creaked the door open "Your sister is here" she said quietly and he nodded getting up from his chair

He hugged his sister "How was the trip?" she sighed remembering all those girl talks they had all night "It was a disaster" she answered while looking at the girl "Who is she?"

They all looked at Jiyoon "She's staying here for a while until she remembers something" he answered. But Hyejin didn't have a good feeling about her, it felt like she saw her somewhere during the mission, but she shrugged it off since her memory isn't that good

Hyejin was back on watching her dramas when she heard a knock on the door "Come in" she softly said. Opening her door Jisung stood there for a while before joining her on the bed "How can I help you"

He shook his head staring at her ceiling while she just continued to watch her dramas, the male faced to his right side and slid his arms around the girl's waist hugging her closer to him, the girl was startled but let him do whatever he wants since that was what WayV members did when they were tired and needed a recharge

"Remember how you said you'd help me get a girl?" she softly hummed remembering the late-night talk he had with the boy before pausing her drama paying her full attention to the male beside her "Then how do I do it?" she thought for a moment. What did girls like? What should males do to win their hearts?

Shen then described to him how she fell for Doyoung "Someone who is caring and sweet, also someone who has an attractive voice. In most cases, it's usually the voice that I liked and kind. But then again expect the unexpected. You can always fall in love with your friend, your teacher, or even your worst enemy. Feelings can't be helped"

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