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"It wouldn't have been complicated if only you gave the necklace" Taesoo said while pointing the gun towards Taeyong

"Like I said I'd never lose the necklace that holds our family's history" Taeyong said weakly while laying on the ground blood everywhere

"Well, then I guess it's the end for you Lee Taeyong. Just like your parents, you're gonna die"

Taeyong closed his eyes thinking of the happy moments he spent with his members and sister. He was too weak to fight back because he wasn't fully healed yet. Suddenly he heard a gun firing and someone dropping on the floor. When he opened his eyes he was met with Jaehyun's eyes looking at him followed by the new members

Sungchan and Shotaro quickly went to Taeyong and lifted him up while Jaehyun was covering up for them. Four of them went to the van and Jaehyun started treating Taeyong. Inside the building, EXO was fighting against the rest of the members.

"You would have been part of the family if you didn't betray us back then, and you wouldn't have been laying on the ground like this " Taeil said leaving the dead bodies in the room

All of them went back to their van and drove off to Shinee's headquarter. When they arrived they were met by the worried looks of their hyungs and teammates.

"What happened to Hyejin?"

"Her surgery won't be finished anytime soon, she has a lot of bruises and cuts. Not just any cuts but deep ones and her immune system isn't in a great condition so her chance of surviving is low" Taemin said while hugging Taeyong who was crying. Every one of them were crying, they were about to lose a family member and the only girl they have

After 3 hours of waiting, Kibum came out of the surgery room along with Mark. "She's all good now, but it might take her days till she gets up so don't worry". The members sighed in relief one by one they went inside the room where Hyejin was. She was sleeping peacefully but there were bandages on her face and her arms and legs were casted.

3 days have passed since the incident and Hyejin finally woke up. Taeyong and Ten rushed to the room and hugged her tightly. "Hey you gotta be gentle she just woke up" he quickly let go of her and the girl faced her brother "W-what about Jiong-Min?" she asked her breath hitching

"He's gone" was all Ten could say before the girl broke down he gently patted her as her cries were getting louder. The elders didn't know what to do, they couldn't do anything else than watch her cry

After Ten managed to calm her down Kibum came in and gave her a pill "If you eat this pill you can go home" he said giving her a small pill along with a glass of water. Taemin then came in with a wheelchair once she swallowed the pill

Ten and Taeyong gently put the girl on the wheelchair and Yangyang gently pushed the wheelchair and led her to the dining room where Onew and Minho were eating "Hyejin-ah uncle made food, have some" Taemin said putting a bowl of soup in front of her

"Are you sure that's edible? Don't kill her"

Taemin glared at Minho. "I just wanna go home" she didn't feel like eating knowing the fact that someone died because of her. She felt guilty knowing that he could've been alive eating

"We will take you home, so eat Hyejin-ah" Onew said lifting the spoon she refused saying she didn't want to eat anything. All of them just sighed so Key got out and started the engine Taeyong pushed the wheelchair and got inside the car and they drove to where all of them lived together

When they got inside the house everyone was waiting for them in the living room, all of them wanted to hug her but they didn't want to hurt her "Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook for you?" Kun asked Hyejin shook her head and faked a smile at him

"Doyoung will take care of you from now on since you guys' rooms are close and he's usually home" she just nodded her head and requested to go to her room. Doyoung carried her to her room and gently placed her on her bed "Tell me if you need anything" with that he went out

Hyejin cried not knowing what to do, why he'd jump in front of her, and why he didn't tell her anything about being in Seoul she was disappointed in herself since she couldn't protect him. If only she fought back he could've been alive. If only she wasn't carefree they could have been together

Later that day Doyoung came to her room carrying a tray full of food Hyejin likes, she just glanced at them and continued to stare at the ceiling "Here have some" he said lifting up the spoon and bringing it closer to her

"I don't want to eat" she said refusing it "Just because you feel guilty and not eating won't bring him back. He told you to live your life to the fullest. Do you think he would have liked it seeing you like this?" he asked getting frustrated

He then brought the spoon closer to her mouth once again, this time she ate it without refusing instead she chewed on it while crying. Doyoung pulled the girl closer to him and she rested her head on his chest "Let it all out I'll be here for you"

"Everything just reminds me of him. The reason why I love spicy chicken is because he made spicy chicken for our first date and since then I loved eating it" from the smallest things to big ones Jiong-Min was always there with her when she tried different things and it was hard for her to forget him

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