Sunday came really fast so Yangyang and Hyejin went out early to get their matching tattoos done. They chose to get 3 paws as their tattoo representing their love for Leon, Louis, and Bella. Hyejin was so nervous since it was her first time getting a tattoo while it was Yangyang's 10th time getting one

He held the girl's hand tightly when she was laying down to get her tattoos. She was shaking a bit and he rubbed small circles on her hand calming her down and placed a small kiss "Your boyfriend is so caring" the tattoo artist said smiling while continuing her work 

Yangyang smiled widely when he heard the word 'boyfriend' but the girl didn't even hear what the artist was saying. She could feel the pain and tried not to make any sound and move so she could get it done faster

Satisfied with their result they went to eat lunch while waiting for the concert to start "Does it hurt?" Yangyang asked sipping on his coffee, Hyejin shook her head "It's fine, it's better now" she replied

While waiting for their food to arrive Yangyang went to a toilet. On his way back to the restaurant he saw a jewelry shop. He went in and saw a cute heart-shaped necklace, it wasn't something too fancy nor extra. It was just simple and cute 

"I'll buy this one" he said pointing to the necklace "You must be buying it for your girlfriend" the worker smiled remembering how her husband was "Yes" he answered also smiling. It's just that they weren't dating YET. 

He put the necklace in his pocket and walked back to the restaurant, he was met by Hyejin stealing his food and sheepishly smiling at him "Didn't think you'd come here this fast" she answered taking a big bite from his pasta

"What do you mean? I took a lot of time" she shook her head "Not enough for me to finish your food" he chuckled while shaking his head sitting down in front of her. Even if they finished eating they ordered desserts to kill some time until the concert. Then the time came, the moment she has been waiting ever since

"Can't believe I get to watch Saturday's concert before I die. Now I feel like I can die peacefully" she said jumping and squealing like a child making the boy chuckle at how excited she was and found it adorable. The concert started with their song 'You were beautiful' and Hyejin sang along while Yangyang just admired the girl in front of him 

Then 'When you love someone ' started playing he then looked at her once again remembering every happy moment he spent with her 

The time she took the blame when Yangyang broke the plate since she knew she wouldn't get scolded badly. 

The time when they ditched their school just to eat ice cream and how they got scolded later on

The first time he ever got hugged by her to the time they accidentally kissed. From her sad times to happy times 

He then tapped on her shoulder making her pay attention to him "I have a gift for you" he shouted and took out the box from his pocket and gave it to her. She opened the box to see a cute necklace. He then took the necklace and put it on for her

She turned around and hugged her friend thanking him "There's also something I have to tell you" she nodded coming closer to him "I've liked you for 5 years" he confessed. Hyejin was shocked, she didn't expect her best friend to like him. Honestly, she never expected someone to like her

"It's ok even if you don't feel the same, I understand" he said "Can we talk about this later?" she asked he nodded. Honestly, she doesn't know what to do. If she rejects him will their friendship get damaged? Will they still be the same? Will it be the same as how she rejected Haechan?

She didn't think so, so before she says anything she has to think about it very well

Jisung knocked on Haechan's door to talk about what he witnessed "Oh hey Jisung what's up?" the older asked as he sat upon his bed "Hyung do you like Hyejin?" he was a straightforward person so he asked the older the question without going back and forth "Yeah I do" he answered casually

"She's annoying but cute, once you think about her you can't stop and that's why I like it, she gets on my nerves" he answered his voice full of love while the younger clenched his fists "I like her too" he said making the older look at him

"W-wHat?" is he that tired to the point he's hearing things? "You heard me. I like her too. I also figured that Doyoung Hyung likes her and I know what you've been doing. And not only us that Yohan guy definitely likes her too" 

Haechan widened his eyes, how did he figure out what he's been doing "W-what do you mean?" he never stutters since manipulation is his specialty but being confronted by the youngest member was somehow different

"I know that you're playing dirty to be with Hyejin, you lied to her about Doyoung hyung. You also lied to Jiyoon noona and Doyoung hyung" he answered and sighed "I'm disappointed in you hyung" then he went out of the room

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