Yangyang and Jisung quietly entered the old building. Sungchan, Haechan and Johnny entered the building by their back door. They went to the second floor of the building and entered the room that had a white door.

"There is a safe that contains all their documents and another safe where they save their drugs" Doyoung said guiding the two ace through the building while Renjun was guiding the other three. 

"Jisung go to the slightly bigger safe and Yangyang to the other one" the two did as they were told and waited for Doyoung to open the safe. Jisung took all the drugs and put them in his briefcase while Yangyang took all the documents and put them in his briefcase 

Just as they were about to go out five men entered the room and started fighting them. One of them threw a punch to Yangyang's face making him bleed. He groaned in pain and kneed the man and shot him

Jisung also did the same to the other men "Shit" they heard Doyoung curse "Guys run as fast as you can the bomb will explode in 30 seconds" he said and they could hear Renjun yelling the same to the others

They ran as fast as they could barely making it to the van "That was one long-ass ride" they all muttered "Did rest of the members come back from their missions?" Yuta shook his head and continued to drive "No but they'll be back soon"

"Drop me off at my place" Yangyang said earning Mark's attention who was currently treating Haechan's wound "You need to get that stitched seems like the man punched you hard" he said only to receive a 'no' from the younger

"I'm fine don't worry about it. I can't leave her for too long or else she'll be bored to death" he said getting out of the car. People eyed him but they didn't think much since they thought the poor kid got into a fight

Hyejin opened the door to see Yangyang bleeding both from his nose and lip. Some of the blood was dry. "Hey what happened?" she asked quickly getting the first aid kit and cleaned his nose and lip

"Seems like you need to get it stitched wait here I'll quickly go get my needle" she said running to their room making her friend's eyes widen "No no I'm fine I'll ask Kun get to treat me tomorrow or I'll call either Xiaojun or Hendery"

But too late she shook her head and started stitching it "Don't worry I already learned to stitch a wound from Taeil oppa" she answered carefully stitching it. Yangyang saw the girls concentrated face that was close to his and couldn't help but stare at her lips

Hyejin quickly finished stitching and was about to turn away when Yangyang had kissed her. His soft but stitched lips touching hers. Yangyang's hand went to her waist as her hands were playing with his soft locks

They got interrupted when they heard a knock on their door. Yangyang groaned not liking the fact that they were interrupted. Hyejin opened the door to see that the pizza she ordered had arrived

"Go take a shower and come out" she said shoving him to the bathroom and started eating. Soon he came out and was eating with her when he received a text message. He had a shocked expression and Hyejin got worried

"Hey, you ok?" the boy nodded his head showing Hyejin the message he had received. She dropped her pizza and quickly grabbed her jacket and Yangyang grabbed his car keys

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