Chapter 13 - I Need Your Help

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Sorry It's Short! If you guys have time I would love if you haven't already if you could check out my other 12 stories... haha <3

Louis POV

We arrived back at the mansion and harry is acting seriously weird. It's like a weird I haven't experienced, "I am heading for a shower Louis" he snuck into the bathroom. You know what also helps me to point out he is angry. Well the fact he has been calling me Louis, he never calls me Louis unless he is joking he is angry at me, I can't figure it out. 

I see his phone is lit up, I sneak over maybe this is the reason he is upset. I open up his phone and gasp,

From Liam x

Oh Harry Put a smile on the dial and win her heart! I will talk to you later, Love you xx

He must be jealous I kissed her, well we are here to win but this is why he has gone all weird, he's jealous. Come on Harry you kissed her the other day and I didn't act all like this I was proud of you. I should really put his phone down but I see another message from this Liam guy. 

From Liam x

HARRY! Stop acting weird! Everyone can see it and even Louis is looking at you weirdly, PULL YOUR HEAD IN! PS Niall says hi and tells you to get in there and we both say hi to Louis :) xx

Aww they say hi to me. Shit the shower has stopped I place his phone back and race back to my bed. "Hey Haz" I smile as he walks out looking sexy as ever. What the fuck is my brain up to? Sexy as ever? I never thought he was sexy before. Ahh my brain is playing tricks on me anyway I better go get ready for tonights ceremony.

Harry POV

Yes, ok I am jealous Louis kissed Eleanor. I am not jealous like you think I would be, I am not jealous that he kissed her in the way of he is winning her heart and I wanted to kiss her jealous. I am jealous that I wanted to be her, I wanted to feel his lips on mine. I don't know what is going on because since I have been getting close with Lou I have been having these weird thoughts like thoughts of a closet gay and they are freaking me out. Hense why I am pulling back from Lou because it's just weird.

To Liam x

HELP ME! I am having weird thoughts towards Louis....... x

From Liam x

Harry! what do you mean weird thoughts????? xx

To Liam x

Like, I am jealous he kissed her because I want his lips on mine... HELP me I AM NOT GAY! xx

From Liam x

OMG harry, he is pretty sexy tho. I must admit! x

To Liam x


From Liam x

Don't worry about it Harry ok? Just carry on like normal and see how they develop then we will take action. Now smile and get through this rose ceremony! xx good luck!

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