Chapter 11 - Nightmares and Snuggling

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Sorry It's short! No joke it's 1am and I wanted to do a quick update! So votes and comments? they are greatly appreciated.. xx

Louis POV

Hmm his friend thinks I am sexy, he obviously has good taste. Well that was seriously close, I honestly thought I was a gonner. I don't think I could have lived without Harry he is now like the closest thing In my life and I love him to bits you know as a best friend. We are so meeting up regularily when we get back and all.

"If one of us gets voted off, when we get home we have to like Skype,Text,Call and Catch up every day ok?" He just flashed me his killer smile exposing his dimples. "Of course we will LouBear, I would miss you too much" he pulled my cheeks.

"harry you cheeky bugger" I feel like I am finally releaving my stress that was built up but do you want to know what killed me the most? The fact he was crying and announced it to the live televison cameras, it keeps playing over and over 'I couldn't bare Louis to go home he is like a brother to me along with Stan and I just don't know how I would tackle this on my own' I can't belive he said that about me. We are like brothers you know, I would have said the same I wouldn't know how to tackle this on my own without Harry.

Harry POV

I cannot believe I cried and like expressed how close Louis and I were to live TV but you know what?  I don't care, I don't care if the world thinks there is something going on between Louis and I because we are seriously close and I can't live without him you know because who would get me ready every day? Well Liam and Niall but that is beside the point he just fits my life like a puzzle piece that was missing. "Aww i fit you like a puzzle piece that was missing" I look around to see Louis beaming.

"I didn't just say that out loud did I?" 

"Yah Ha you did" 

I lunged at him with a big hug sending him backwards onto the floor,

"Dammit Haz OUCH!"

"Oh my god Louis, I am soo sorry I didn't mean too"

"Aww shut up, I was kidding"

I laughed and slapped him,

"You idiot you had me worried" 

"I know I did, Sorry baby Haz. Now I think we should get some sleep big day tomorrow"

"Ok, will you snuggle with me Lou?" 

"If thats what you want Sweetdums" 

"It's what I want sweetcheeks" We actually have the weirdest nicknames for eachother for example. LouBear,BooBear,Boo, Sweetdums,Loueeeh, Louis with an s on the end like you exagerate it to drive him crazy. Hehehe I am evil.

"Are you coming or what Haz?" I turned around to see him in my bed as he patted the space beside him.

"Ooh coming" I switched off the light and got in beside him. The reason we have been cuddling is because I have been having nightmares and when Louis snuggles with me I somehow don't have them. I know it's silly but it's true.

"thanks Lou, for everything"

"Don't worry that pretty little head of yours sweetdums now sleep" he began stroking my curls and that was enough to set me to sleep.

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