Chapter 17 - Something Fishy

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Sorry all! I have to put like a quota now so could I please get 7 votes and like 4 comments for the next chapter? Thanks Lovelies! <3 .xx


Well even though Harry accused Louis of  being a homophobe I really don't think that is it. Louis seems to show odd emotion towards Niall and I, Jealous maybe but I can't get a grip on it. "Your such an idiot Niall" Harry yelled while chasing him around the room. I can tell Niall really missed Harry, Harry was the only person he could bring out his Irish side around. I don't accept Niall's constant swearing.

There really is more to Louis behind those eyes, I just can't pick up what vibes he is giving us. He seems like lost or confused but hey I ain't like a mind reader or anything I just read peoples vibes. "Lou are you ok?" I question and he looked shocked. "Why do you ask Liam?" I smiled. "You're just being really quiet" He nodded. "I'm alright just tired" I need to talk to him later.

"So who's for a game of spin the bottle?" I offered. This probably isn't the best idea but I am so bored. "I'm In!" Harry and Niall jumped down and took a seat on the carpet. "I might as well join in" Zayn smiled. "Lou? Come on you know you want to" Harry encouraged him. "fine, just for you Harry" Harry jumped up and ran over and gave Louis a hug. "Thanks babe" Aww Louis looks happy again, so it must be something with Harry? hmmmm time for some Daddy Liam time.

Louis POV

Harry's friend Liam seems very suspicious of me. I know I am a little down and all but he has gone all weary on me. Ahh there isn't anything wrong.... Ok maybe there is but I can't just be like, I actually don't know if I like Eleanor I think I like Harry, but I just don't know. I have no idea if playing Spin the bottle is going to be good. "Alright let's go" Niall spun the bottle and it landed on Zayn. "Zayn truth or dare?" Zayn looked michevious. "Dare please Niall" Niall tapped his fingers. I hope they give him something bad, but they don't really know what Zayn hates so they probably won't do anything stupid. "Zayn, I dare you to put your top and hoodie on inside out and wear it like that for the rest of the night" He chuckled.

"I was waiting for something way worse" Niall and Harry laughed. "Zayn you know you are going to be going on live television right?" Zayn lit up like a tomato. "SHIT no give me something else!" they both shook their heads. Oh they are evil, aww but Harry looks so cute when he is being evil. LOUIS cut it out, Zayn spun the bottle this time and it landed on Liam. "Liam I dare you to make Niall moan" Liam laughed at Zayn. "That is soo easy!" Niall was blushing hard core.

Liam jumped on Niall's lap and began attacking his neck with kisses, his hands were trailing over Niall's body and then he found Niall's sweet spot I am guessing because Niall let out a moan. "DAMMIT" Niall huffed. "Aww Niall babe it's alright" Liam gently kissed Niall. FML can that just be me and Harry like already. I am going crazy, I don't realise but I storm out. I will never forget what Harry said. "I told you Liam he is a homophobe, he just wouldn't accept the old me." WHAT THE HELL DOES OLD ME MEAN? Zayn is still in there. I slowly make my way out to the garden and sit on the chair in the middle and just enjoyed the sun.

"Louis please?" 

"Excuse me?" I look up and meet a gaze with Liam. 

"You know you are just breaking Harry, right?" I looked at him shocked.

"What are you talking about Liam" I more or less growled.

"I know you heard what he said" I nodded.

"What does he mean?" I questioned.

"Look I know you aren't a homophobe because you talk to me, if you were one we wouldn't be having this conversation. Look I shouldn't be the one telling you this but Harry is well...." Liam trailed off.

"Harry is what Liam, spit it out" 

"Look, Harry used to be a little confused about his sexuality" I felt a pang to my heart.

"What do you mean?!" I raised my voice a little.

"Harry used to be bi, he may still be I don't know I haven't been around him lately. PLEASE don't treat him any differently" He got grumpy.

"I would never do that Liam I swear" 

"Have you noticed why Harry hasn't told you about past relationships?" I nodded oh my gosh, that is so true he never talks about his past apart from Family or friends.

"Louis, Harry has dated guys before. He was experimenting he didn't know what he was. I don't think It helped because he was always jealous of Niall and I's relationship so he -" I didn't let him finish.

"Oh my god" 

"LOUIS PLEASE!" I began walking back to the mansion, this is a shit load to take in. Harry may still be Bi and I room with him and alskdfjaosdkfj is how I am feeling right now.

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